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"My disgrace still stains me, as it always will. It is a mark on my spirit that cannot be cleansed despite my attempts to wipe myself free of it."


Eve tossed her jacket over her shoulder as she and Bloodhound walked back to their house after their training session in the woods. The lesson of the day had included timed wall-sits against a tree and sprints back and forth between two boulders. Even now, her quads still burned from the strain of the repeated exercises, and sweat still formed across her brow. Though the weather was cooler now as the seasons changed, this afternoon had been warmer than usual, leaving both of them drenched after the strenuous activity.

Despite her currently complaining muscles, the session was a nice distraction from everything going on, from the blackmail and upcoming trip that loomed closer each day. For a short time the two were only mentor and student. It was hard to stay positive and keep working towards her goals, but Bloodhound always did their best to help her maintain her focus on tasks — and pull her attention away from her anxieties when needed.

"I'm going to be so sore tomorrow," she groaned as she took extra long steps to stretch the muscles. "Shit."

"That is good," Bloodhound replied smoothly, patting her bottom. "If you were not sore, that would mean that I was a poor teacher."

"You know, you could go easy on me for once." She grinned and trudged up the stairs to the house, grabbing onto the handrail for support as her legs ached from the climb. Of course, she knew that as they approached the final few matches, the training would only intensify, but it felt good to complain a little in jest. "Give me a little break for...good behavior."

"I could," they said, amusement creeping into their voice as they unlocked the door. "But, I think I will not."

"I figured, but I had to ask."

The pair walked into the house together, kicking off their muddy shoes. Eve was ready to make a bee-line right to the shower, but paused when she saw Bloodhound begin to remove their outerwear. They unbuttoned their jacket to reveal the white undershirt clinging to their toned abdomen. Each defined muscle was visible, the material nearly translucent from the moisture. They pulled their helm and respirator off, smoothing back their sweat-dampened hair, slicking it back over their shoulders. Eve's eyes flicked up and down their toned form, then to their face, drinking their appearance in hungrily.

"On second thought, I do have a little energy left for some extra training today." Eve peered at them through her dark lashes, then threw her arms over their shoulders, jumping up and wrapping her legs around their waist. She immediately ducked her head down and kissed their neck, tasting the salt of the sweat drying on their skin. "If I'm going to be sore tomorrow, I might as well go all in."

"Did I not push you hard enough today, already?" Bloodhound hummed softly as they gripped her thighs, catching sight of her naughty smile that had them imagining what was to come. "I will remember this for next time. But for today, I think an additional lesson can be arranged. What shall we work on now?" they asked, voice husky and low. "Glutes?" they gave her ass a squeeze before it slid between her thighs to rub her covered slit. "Or perhaps you had something else in mind?" They shifted their weight and tried to hike her up higher around their waist, but let out a pained grunt and jerk, their arm giving way.

Eve dropped off of them instantly as their arms released her. "Sorry, did I hurt you?"

Their hand flew to their opposite shoulder, squeezing the joint. "Nei, elskan, it is my shoulder. Helvíti," they hissed through gritted teeth.

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