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"I will release you if you ask. But once I do, it would be wise to run, little prey."


Magazine empty, Eve reached into her bag and grimaced when her fingers only found health syringes and shield batteries. "Out of Heavy Ammo," she called out over the comm, ducking behind a boulder. "Cracked Lifeline, though."

"Low on Light," Kairi added, joining her behind the rock. "Want me to get us outta here?" she motioned a thumb towards her jetpack.

"Nei, they are weak," Bloodhound replied from behind a nearby supply bin. They dropped one stack of Heavy Ammo and pinged it for Eve. "Heavy Ammo here."

Eve darted out from behind the rock, rolling and crouching as she went. The impact of a few stray bullets thudded into her blue armor, but she slid into place beside Bloodhound and reloaded her Flatline with the ammo they'd provided for her.

"Kairi, can you use your Missile Swarm? Then Eve, take the left, I will go right to flank them."

"Yep, Ten-Four. Engaging on your signal."

Eve topped up her shield with a battery and nodded her agreement as well, weapon ready and clutched in her hands. It always impressed her to watch Bloodhound work this way. They took charge during matches, and their strategic plays usually got the team pretty far - when everyone was cooperating.

"After I activate Beast of the Hunt, we will slátra." They reloaded their R-301 and glanced at Eve. "I am Blóðhundur!" they shouted, immediately emitting a wave from their scan.

Now that the enemies were highlighted, Kairi shot her missiles in that direction and the opposite squad began to scatter. Bloodhound dashed in, and Eve moved on the other side to flank as they had directed, almost crashing into Wraith at the end of her Void run. Eve instinctively brought her weapon up and shot, downing the woman, only sustaining a few weak hits from her L-Star.

"Wraith's down." She looked for the next one. There was no need to finish the woman off now - she would come back for her.

"Bogey clipped me!" Kairi grunted over the mic. "I'm grounded!"

Eve looked between her and Bloodhound - they seemed to be holding their own with Lifeline, their Ultimate allowing them enhanced speed and sight. She sprinted to find Pathfinder starting to perform their finisher on Kairi. She shot at the robot, interrupting him, immediately receiving two shots from his Mastiff close range when he turned to face her. Shield depleted, she tried to use her Tactical to blind him and duck out of the way, but he threw his grapple in her direction. The arms of the hook dug into her back, pulling her into the grass and dragging her backward. Her fingers dug uselessly into the dirt, trying to gain purchase. Standing over her, he downed her with a punch to her head.

"We're both down," Eve said. Her vision blurred as a cut on her scalp dropped blood over her eye, and she rubbed her sleeve over it to clear her sight. After being wounded so many times the pain had become routine - it still hurt, but there was no panic, no fear. It was just part of the job.

"Hrafnsbita bring me glory," Bloodhound snarled, running towards Pathfinder.

They slid through the grass and jumped, jamming their axe into the robot's neck with a downward slash. A spray of dark oil spurted from the impact point, an iridescent mist shining in the sunlight. They kicked their boot into the robot's side to push him off of the blade, then demolished the last of his shield with two more hacking hits.

The low, feral growl they uttered during all this was very familiar to Eve, one she often heard in the midst of their passion. To her embarrassment, she felt the familiar ache begin between her thighs. Many things they did brought this out of her, but this scenario was a new one. Something about seeing them this way, witnessing their savage power up close in the heat of battle caused a warmth to rise within her despite her current injuries. Eve watched with bated breath while they finished Pathfinder and walked more slowly towards Wraith, who had begun to crawl away.

Fated (Bloodhound x Eve (OC))Where stories live. Discover now