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"It is Freyja's flower. Women in my village were often given daisies upon bearing children. It was meant to wish them well, perhaps bless them with health. Some might also say it symbolizes love."


Eve watched Bloodhound move about the kitchen from her place among the furs. It was their turn to clean after lunch, and she studied them as they completed each task. Each movement they made was purposeful and graceful despite their size. They made far less noise than she did when washing dishes and putting them sway, a quiet clink of ceramic on ceramic instead of the clattering she usually caused.

Bloodhound turned and blinked slowly at her, sensing that she watched them. Eve squeaked and ducked down behind a cushion — she should know better by now that they had this sixth sense about when they were being spied on. It wasn't that she minded that they knew. By now, they knew she sometimes just liked to observe them or spend time in the same room while they worked on something, but she always liked to pretend she hadn't been.

She unlocked her phone and clicked on the first app her finger contacted at random, pretending to scroll. History and her instincts told her that they would be approaching. Hands slid over her shoulders, lightly rubbing the muscles as their lips brushed against her ear.

"Are you watching me, little one?" they asked softly.

Eve squirmed away from their tickling breath. "Nope! I am completely minding my own business over here if you couldn't tell." She said with an air of pretend-haughtiness. "Now, if you don't mind, I'm very busy and I should get back to—"

Her eyes rested on her phone for the first time. Her random tapping and scrolling had opened her photo app and pulled up a picture of Bloodhound, one of the first body shots they had sent her before they were living together during an evening of sexting. Eve locked her phone screen, cheeks burning. Of all the random things to open up to, why that?

"You should get back to...what, exactly?"

"Don't worry about it," she muttered, sure they had seen it.

One of Bloodhound's hands slid down to cup her breast through her shirt, the other encircling her slender neck, fingers grazing her collar. Eve gulped against their hold, her throat working against their fingers as she swallowed, her breath becoming more shallow with anticipation.

"If you wished to observe me in a state of undress, you need have only asked." They kissed her flushed cheek and chuckled warmly. "Is that what you want, my pet?"

Eve smiled. "I won't ever turn down that offer."

"Mm. I have one last task to complete first." They released her with a pat on her head. "When I return, you will receive what you desire."

"Return?" She whirled around to face them. "Where are you going?"

Since their relationship had been discovered through the anonymous photos sent to her, she and Bloodhound had been practically inseparable. So far, nothing else had happened. Somehow, it was almost more unsettling to know that someone was just waiting and biding their time to use the discovery against her and Bloodhound. Eve hated feeling so clingy and needy, but the reassurance of their stoic presence helped ease her discomfort. They were steadfast against her worry like a rock that she could hold on to against the waves of a turbulent sea.

She had been vying for their attention often these days, offering herself to them, misbehaving in small ways to mildly annoy them. As much as she loved to act out, to test their patience with her bratty behavior, this was different, a real need for their affection. So far, they had doled out every ounce of care she had required.

Fated (Bloodhound x Eve (OC))Where stories live. Discover now