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"You have received what you desired — now, what about us? Selfish little thing."


"Fuse, Bloodhound, and Eve!" the overhead speaker blared, the words echoing in the dropship hangar.

Eve grinned impishly at Bloodhound — this was going to be too much fun today. Her mind ran through her calculations of points and rankings. She needed the win, or at least to get four kills to maintain the lead over Gunner. She should be only focused on the match today, but she was confident that she could manage a win with this team even if she did get up to a little mischief. Bloodhound and Walter always worked very well together, a fan favorite match-up.

Walter walked up to join Bloodhound, the two shaking hands before they prepared to enter the dropship. Eve watched them chat and walk towards the ship, already scheming all the ways she could push their buttons today. The urge to misbehave was too great to resist. She forced her way between them, squeezing both of their asses at the same time as she passed by to find a seat in the drop ship.

"Ready for a good game today?" she asked innocently, looking up at Bloodhound and then at Walter.

"Yes," Bloodhound said slowly, already anticipating her plans from her tone and the grab on their bottom. They put a hand on her shoulder in a way that, to an onlooker, maybe just appeared to be a reassuring touch, but their fingers dug in hard in warning. "May we all be on our best behavior today."

Eve pulled a pretend sad face. "I'm sure you're not talking about me. When have I ever been anything but professional during a match?"

Bloodhound muttered what sounded like a string of curses under their breath, catching an errant helvítis and andskotans. Eve turned to Walter as the trio found seats and buckled themself in. He shook his head at the exchange but otherwise didn't react the way she wanted. His expression was aloof, either ignoring her attitude or completely oblivious to it. With what she knew of Walter, Eve guessed the latter. She narrowed her eyes at him; she'd have to work to change that.

Walter led the drop in King's Canyon today with a hoot, heading towards the swamp. Eve swallowed hard as the air buffeted her, steeling herself as the gust whipped her braid back and forth behind her. The buildings approached as she hurtled down, face first. Eve split off and bolted for the nearest tarp. She quickly scooped up the Volt and shoved the spare energy ammo in her bag. Two frag grenades and an Arc Star soon joined the ammo — not a bad start.

Eve looked up for her teammates as the bang and pop of gunfire echoed between the decrepit buildings. "You guys good?" she asked over the comms. "Where are you?"

"All is well — the battle is not ours." Bloodhound pinged their location on the map. "We are here."

Eve picked her way over the soggy ground, hugging the edge of a tree. Mud and rotted leaves shifted under her feet as she stepped over fragments of wood planks, heading to the location Bloodhound had marked for her. She was close, but spotted Mirage standing in front of a supply bin. To her right, the closed door of a building for a quick getaway if she needed it.

"Mirage is alone — I'm going for him," she said, stepping lightly as she aimed for his head.

"Patience," Bloodhound cautioned over the crackling comm. "Allow me to scan, first. I have seen evidence of hostiles, at least six."

"No need," Eve said boldly, tone hushed as she approached. "I've got an escape plan. Meet me down here."

Without another second of hesitation, Eve pulled the trigger, flashes of energy ammo bursting from the barrel of her weapon. She grinned — a direct hit! — but her excitement quickly dissolved as the image of Mirage wiggled and distorted in the air before disappearing entirely.

Fated (Bloodhound x Eve (OC))Where stories live. Discover now