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"You cannot escape me, little one. This is what you get for teasing me today."


Bloodhound had risen earlier than the sun today, preparing themself to participate in today's match. The hunter washed and dressed like a ritual in the silence of the dawn, equipping their full battle uniform. Eve wisely decided to use one of her allotted sick days. Her ankle was much improved, but she still had some lingering pain when she tried to walk on it too heavily.

They stopped by the side of the bed before they went to fetch their boots. Artur had claimed their pillow as soon as they left the bed. The raven nestled comfortably into the divot where their head had lain. Next to him, Eve still slept, curled up like a kitten. Half of the blankets had been kicked off as she tossed and turned last night. She was wearing their shirt, the material far too big for her, but it suited her perfectly.

A feeling gripped their chest as they tucked a stray strand of her sleep-tangled hair behind her ear, something deep inside that they could not place into words. Her mouth twitched up for a brief instant into the hint of a smile before relaxing again. Though she would not remember it, they kissed her goodbye and pulled the covers back over her. Bloodhound scratched the top of Artur's head affectionately and left the two to sleep.


When Eve awoke that morning, she stumbled bleary-eyed into the kitchen. Already sitting on the kitchen table was a travel mug of coffee with a small piece of paper leaning against it. It was a tiny square, the word 'Sjáumst' written in Bloodhound's small, neat handwriting. Her collar lay next to the cup.

She smiled and sipped her coffee, the sweet warmth comforting her in the cozy kitchen. They had made the drink just the way she liked it. The chirping birdsong coming in through the partially open window was joyous, the air still holding the coolness of night. Eve breathed deeply, enjoying it before the sun warmed everything into a stifling mugginess and she'd be forced to turn on the air conditioning. With her uninjured leg tucked beneath her on the chair, she felt wholly at peace at the moment. The only thing that could make it better was if Bloodhound was there to share the morning with her.

Eve made herself two pieces of toast and nibbled as she slowly let the caffeine wake her. Artur flapped over quietly and rubbed his beak against the side of her hand, dark eyes imploring her for a treat.

"Want a little breakfast, baby?" she asked.

He blinked twice and chirped, lightly nibbling her finger with his shiny, black beak in his eagerness. Eve tore a few bits of crust off and set them on the table for him and watched as he gobbled these down.

"Don't tell Bloodhound," she warned jokingly as she scratched his neck. "You're not supposed to eat too much bread."

The raven blinked at her again and made a noise that she could swear sounded like a laugh. He had been spending more time with her these days, finally trusting that she meant him no harm – or maybe more interested in her as a source of food. Either way, she enjoyed Artur's quiet company.

As Eve ate, she drummed her fingers on the table. The question of the day arose: to behave or to have a little fun? While she thought it over, she reached behind her neck to untie her necklace, then she picked up the collar. The leather was ready for her, clean and supple. Bloodhound routinely took care of it for her along with the other gear and toys. She slipped the ends around her neck and fastened it securely. Though she preferred when they put it on her, she was grateful they let her sleep in today.

It was still early but the clothes that had been sitting in the dryer for two days called to her. She chucked them all into a basket and dragged it into the bedroom to fold. Eve dumped the clothes out on the covers and sat cross-legged in the middle of the bed as she folded. Even though she enjoyed doing what they asked, the rewards and praise they lavished her with when she obeyed - she enjoyed the punishments, the other side of them just as much. Since her injury, she'd been too well-behaved. Today was a good day for a little mischief.

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