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"I know it hurts, but you have been disobedient, and I cannot have that. Will you be a good girl and take the rest of your punishment?"


The cold wind cut right through the lace cut-outs on her dress as Eve stepped out of the ship and onto the forest path. She looked down at her feet and grimaced - there was no way that she could walk the unpaved path in her high heels. Shoes in hand, she began the trek barefoot. The silence of the night was broken by rustling leaves followed by the snapping of a twig.

"Hello?" Eve called out, whipping her head around. "Hound?"

She walked faster, almost jogging, having the eerie sensation that she was being followed. Climbing up the steps to their house, Eve let herself through the unlocked door, breathing a sigh of relief in the warmth. Hesitantly, she moved towards the fire.

"Bloodhound?" she called out, her voice cracking with uncertainty. Every hair on her body stood at attention. The naive prey had defied all logic, all instinct, and stupidly wandered into the wolf's lair. This was a mistake. Turning to leave, she jolted in surprise when she nearly ran into them.

"You have been defiant today," Bloodhound said, calmly standing before her. Their irises were already red, but darker and more vibrant than she had ever seen them before.

Eve could only stand with her mouth agape, unable to form any words as a shiver traveled down her spine.

"Your behavior during the match." Bloodhound took a step towards her and she took an involuntary step back. "Showing off your tits to Elliott." They moved forward more quickly, closing the gap between them. "Letting Walter Fitzroy put his skítugt hands on you," they snarled.

The tone of their voice sent a jolt of fear through her as they laid out their accusations - they weren't yelling, but their words struck her, the weight of each one sinking into her. The muscles of their clenched jaw stood out and their eyebrows furrowed together - this was the closest she had ever seen them come to being mad.

"You will be punished." Bloodhound took a deep breath, a silent prayer to the Allfather that they remain in control of their emotions. It was unlike them to feel this way, but they could not deny the anger that had begun to rear its head when they remembered her misdeeds, her smile as her body pressed against another.

Eve looked down to the side, unable to meet their gaze. Her legs began to shake again, and she wrapped her arms around herself. "I'm sorry."

"It is far too late for 'sorry.'" Bloodhound huffed a small sigh and looked at her as she tried to give them doe-eyes now, innocent and remorseful. Their demeanor momentarily softened, forgetting her transgressions as they felt a tug within their chest. They pulled her to them briefly in a swift embrace before their resolve crumbled against the look she was giving them.

"Listen well, elskan. If it is too much, you must tell me - do you have a word you can remember, that you would not say otherwise?"

Eve's heart pounded in her chest at the need for a safe word - it was clear she was in trouble. She recalled their recent romp in the woods, thinking fondly of the patch of clovers where they had basked in the sun, surrounded by soft petals and the sweet, fragrant honeysuckle blossoms. "Clover?" she asked softly.

"Clover. Smári ," they repeated with a smile. "Good. Say it if you wish me to stop or slow. If you cannot or do not wish to speak, two taps," they paused, tapping her thigh twice as an example, "just like when we spar, then I will stop. Do you understand?"

Eve nodded against their chest, breathing in the crisp pine scent of their skin and swallowing hard, steeling herself.

"Use your words - repeat it for me."

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