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"Keep your eyes up while you suck Daddy's cock - how pretty you look on your knees."


A single glass of wine after dinner was all it took for Eve to become a giggling mess. Bloodhound did not usually joke much. Their demeanor was usually so serious and their humor was dry, but tonight, her mood was infectious. Her unrestrained laughter filled the room as they finished regaling her with a tale from their youth, their first experiment with mead snuck from their uncle's cabin. The adventure had ended with multiple sheep being freed from their pen, and the drunk, young hunter trying to wrangle them before their antics had been discovered.

Eve was in especially high spirits, having won her last match with her new personal record of three kills and two assists. Not only that, but she had officially outranked the other two newest Legends Gunner and Pyro - so she might be here to stay if she kept it up. She knew her accomplishment was partly thanks to Bloodhound's guidance and lessons, even though they laid no claim on her success. Despite how much she thanked them, they refused to take any credit, insisting that it was the result of her own hard work.

She reached to pour herself another glass of wine, leaning over the cushions. They leaped up and took the bottle from her as her uncoordinated movements threatened to slosh the dark liquid over the furs.

They laughed softly at her. "You are a sight, elskan. I think you have had enough, for now." They peered at the bottle, saw that it was mostly full, and raised their eyebrows. "Surely you had more than one cup?"

"Nope! Only one." She lunged for the bottle. "We should make it two though."

They pulled it out of her reach again, but relented when they saw her pleading eyes. "Perhaps another half-glass." They steadied the cup she held up before her and poured a little more in it.

She grinned. "Takk."

"Ekki málið." They knew she did not understand much of their language, but it pleased them when she tried to use what she knew, the small bits and pieces she picked up.

She stared at them over the rim of the delicate glass and downed the wine quickly, raising it for more. Bloodhound shook their head, took the glass from her, and promptly set it to the side. Eve imitated the growl they sometimes made and pounced on them as they sat back down, kissing their neck hungrily.

"Eager today, hm?" They smiled and adjusted their legs so they were within hers as she straddled them.

She was wearing their t-shirt and her panties, but nothing else - their favorite outfit on her. They extended their hands underneath the baggy fabric, grabbing handfuls of her breasts as she ground her hips against theirs.

"You could say that," she mumbled, leaning against their neck as she trailed her kisses to the side of their jaw, cheek, and then lips. "Can you blame me?"

It was not often that she was so forward, but tonight she was feeling bold. Eve moved her mouth over theirs, her tongue tracing their bottom lip before they opened their mouth to hers. She tasted the beer they'd just finished, but they didn't share the same level of impairment that she did.

Bloodhound threaded their hands through her hair, and she moaned as their tongue found its way into her mouth, meeting hers amidst her soft hums and whines. They moved carefully, laying back so Eve lay atop them completely. Their large hands roamed her back and her bottom, squeezing and rubbing whatever they could reach as she continued to kiss them deeply. She tugged on their shirt, a wordless request for them to take it off. They obliged, slipping the garment over their head and tossing it to the side. Her finger followed the contour of their pecs, tracing over the runic symbols tattooed over their chest, and her eyes roamed over their form. One day, she'd ask them what the marks meant, but tonight, she had other more pressing things on her mind.

Fated (Bloodhound x Eve (OC))Where stories live. Discover now