Raven God

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"I have promised to care for you. This is my vow as your partner, your mate. If you need anything, say it, and I will make it so if it is within my power. And if it is not, I will beseech the gods to lend theirs."


Eve tucked the last of the berries in her bag, picked from the tiny grove of bushes that Bloodhound had shown her. Summer was all but over, and she knew this was the final harvest before the bushes went into their slumber for the cold weather. The squirrels and wildlife would eat the rest, readying themselves for their own hibernation. She popped a few raspberries in her mouth as she walked back to the cabin, enjoying the sweet and tart juice that burst over her tongue. Before living with Bloodhound, she'd never eaten so many fresh foods right off the vine, having mostly lived with canned and packaged food. Back then, she had only been able to find what limited fresh foods were stocked at the store in her village.

Bloodhound mentioned that they thought their life was simple, but in some ways, it was more luxurious than anything she had ever known before. Eve ate one last berry as she followed the small dirt path that had formed in the undergrowth, careful not to lose her way.

Eve zipped up her hoodie as she walked — how long had she lived with Bloodhound now? The weather was changing, from the long hot days of summer to the shorter, cooler days of fall. The leaves would soon shift from green to oranges and reds, making for some gorgeous forest walks. Cool autumn weather meant nights snuggled by the fire, warm spiced drinks, and holidays. She didn't even know what holidays Bloodhound celebrated; she'd have to ask so she could prepare.

A loud caw pierced the serenity of Eve's walk, echoing through the trees. She looked up to see a large black bird perched on a low-hanging branch. The bird cocked its head to the side, eyeing the berries under her arm, the sun catching its iridescent black feathers that shone like an oil slick.

"Hi, baby," Eve said, watching the animal curiously. It was similar to Artur, maybe a raven, but it was much bigger. She pointed to her bag of berries. "You want one?"

She'd spent enough time around Bloodhound's raven companion to lose her fear of sharp talons and piercing beaks, but maybe she should be wary. This one was easily twice as big as Artur, and wild, probably not used to being fed by human hands.

The bird tilted its head the other way, its dark beady eyes glimmering with intelligence. Eve tossed a few of the red berries onto the ground. It hopped down from its place on the branch and plucked the fruit up with its black beak, swallowing the pieces whole. It let out another loud noise, seemingly of appreciation before taking off into the trees. She watched it fly away, quickly disappearing above the treetops.

Eve was just about to resume her trek home when something reflective caught her eye where the raven had landed on the ground. She bent down and picked up a small medallion on a thin silver chain. The necklace must have just been dropped, laying on top of the dirt and leaves, not buried or lost by a traveler who had passed through long ago. The metal oval bore the imprint of two birds curled around a circle with interwoven designs within — the whole effect from afar resembled an eye, but the closer she looked, the more she found. Tiny runic characters were etched into the iris of the eye, appearing to be the same ones that Bloodhound had tattooed on their skin. Maybe it was theirs or Artur's and another bird had pilfered it for their own collection.

She put the medallion in her pocket and hurried home to show Bloodhound. The cabin soon came into view, a grey plume of smoke rising from the chimney, twisting and dissipating into the sky. They must have started a fire while she was gone. They were rarely cold, their body always exuding heat, but they kept the cabin toasty for her, to warm her chilly feet and cold fingers.

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