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Eve swiveled back and forth on the plush seat, bouncing her heels against the metal footrest of the bar stool. The music wasn't overwhelmingly loud tonight at The Oasis, but she could still feel the thumping beat and swayed her shoulders to keep time with it. She stroked her braid and glanced around the room, watching the groups of Legends chat and drink.

Though she hadn't won today's game, it had been a fun one. She'd finished among the top five squads while still managing to goof off. Elliott had spent part of the match trying to record himself and his decoys doing a viral dance trend. Octavio ran literal circles around Eve, taunting her into chasing him. During the last fight, the trio had hopped back and forth between two of his jump pads, again and again, cackling as two squads tried to take them down. The opposing teams had only succeeded after the jump pads were destroyed. She usually took the games more seriously, but sometimes, a day like today was worth it.

"This one's on the house." Elliott winked at Eve from behind the counter and pushed a pint of beer toward her. It sloshed, a bit of foam spilling over the edge and sliding down the side of the glass.

She raised her glass towards him and took a small sip. "Thanks, El. Good game today!"

"Aw, you're calling me El, now? Besties!"

Eve couldn't stop herself from matching his ear-to-ear grin, but he was quickly waved down by Ajay looking for a drink. She turned back, slid herself off the stool, and straightened out her zip-up hoodie that had bunched up at her waist. Natalie sat with Kairi and Loba and waved wildly when she spied Eve, so she made her way over to the three.

She scooted into the booth next to Natalie and exchanged friendly greetings, but her smile faded when she stared into her cup. Bloodhound hadn't arrived yet. The pair had decided that it was best for them to come separately to create the illusion of distance between them. Though she knew the hunter would be here soon, the need for this deceit left a hollow feeling in her chest.

Eve took a large sip of her beer and busied herself watching the match replay on one of the TVs hanging nearby. Her antics with her squad mates had earned her a spot on the intro reel, mid-jump, wearing a daring smile.

The bar's front door swung open, and Eve turned immediately to see Bloodhound enter. She had intended to play it cool and pretend not to notice their arrival, but she couldn't help but look up when they came in. They were dressed casually in black jeans and a fitted T-shirt under a dark canvas jacket. The sides of their hair had been braided to keep it away from their face, the rest allowed to cascade over their shoulders. Her heart jumped at the sight of them.

Bloodhound scanned the bar, their gaze passing over Eve nonchalantly before they went to get a drink from Elliott. As soon as they turned around with their glass of dark amber liquor, Natalie half-stood in the booth and called out, leaning over Eve.

"Houndy! Come sit here!" she waved her arm, forcing Eve to lean back in the booth to avoid getting smacked by the enthusiastic flailing. Natalie turned to Eve and winked — she clearly thought she was doing her a favor by calling the hunter over.

Bloodhound tilted their chin up in recognition and headed their way. They were about to sit across from Eve, next to Loba, but Natalie lunged over Eve's lap to pat the booth.

"Sit here, next to Eve!" Natalie said, her voice high-pitched with glee. She scooted further towards the wall and pulled Eve with her. "Make room for them, c'mon." She lowered her voice and leaned closer to Eve's ear, but the whisper was still loud enough for everyone at the table to hear. "You're welcome."

Natalie was so innocently enthusiastic, there was no way that either of them could deny her outright when she was like this. Eve looked up at Bloodhound shyly when they sat beside her, their thigh brushing against hers as they shifted into a comfortable position.

Fated (Bloodhound x Eve (OC))Where stories live. Discover now