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"This was my failure, not yours. I did not instruct you as I should have."


Eve stretched up on her tiptoes to pull a glass container from one of the upper cabinets in the kitchen. Her fingers hunted around for the very edge of the dish, but it was set too far back for her to grab. She grumbled. A few weeks ago, after watching her repeatedly struggle to reach the upper shelves, Bloodhound had purchased a small step stool for her to reach the cabinets. She had feigned indignation when they showed it to her and to their amusement, she refused to use it. Eve glared at the stool that mocked her from the corner and instead hopped onto her knees on the counter.

The kitchen had been designed for someone much larger than her, but she was used to the world being too tall. Eve grabbed the container she was looking for and scooted to the right to reach another high shelf and withdrew a metal water bottle. She tucked the container into the tote bag slung over her shoulder and slid off the counter gracefully to fill the bottle.

She walked outside and around the back of the cabin, following the loud thuds of Bloodhound chopping wood for the fire. She watched the powerful muscles of their arms and shoulders flex as they brought a large axe down over a thick log to cut the wood into smaller chunks for the fireplace. The pieces of wood flew to either side under their strike, split evenly. They turned when Eve approached, leaving the blade buried in the stump.

Their hair was braided and tied back at the nape of their neck, and their shirt clung to them from perspiration. Bloodhound passed the back of their hand across their brow to wipe away an errant drop of sweat that threatened to fall down their brow and gratefully accepted the bottle of water she handed them.

Bloodhound sipped gratefully. "Thank you, saeta." They eyed the bag over her shoulder, her boots laced up tightly. "You look ready to go somewhere."

"We're out of strawberries and I was going to go pick some. I want something sweet tonight."

"Do you require my company?" They paused and lifted the cool water to their lips again, a few drops dribbling down their chin as they took a large swig. "I am almost finished with this."

"No, I'm good. I remember where it is."

Their eyebrows raised. "Are you certain?" they asked dubiously.

"Yes." Eve stared back at Bloodhound boldly. She put her hand on her hip and challenged their doubtful expression. "It'll be a quick trip."

They leaned down and pressed their cool, damp lips to hers in a kiss farewell. "Very well. I will await your swift return, then."

"I'll be back by dinner," she waved and stepped out onto the path.

The path to the berry grove was only a faint line in the undergrowth, subtle enough that it would be easily missed by those who didn't know it was there. Bloodhound showed her the trails multiple times, and the pair had spent several afternoons picking berries or apples. It had taken some time, but she finally felt fairly confident in navigating the woods, at least for short distances. The strawberries should only be a fifteen-minute walk each way — if she followed the right path.

Eve plodded along, watching the position of the sun in between the treetops. The sky started to glow orange, the first colors of the setting sun bleeding into the blue sky. She took a deep breath, enjoying the cooler evening air now that the hottest days of summer were over. Chilly nights meant fires outdoors with warm drinks and afternoon walks. Maybe she could talk Bloodhound into hosting some of the other Legends over for a bonfire; though they didn't socialize much, it wouldn't hurt to ask. They might even have fun.

Fated (Bloodhound x Eve (OC))Where stories live. Discover now