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"I can stay with you for a little while - if you would like."


Eve squeezed her blue eyes shut tightly against the cloud of dirt and leaves kicked up by the transport ship. She wiped the dust off her face with the back of her hand, then watched it become a small black speck in the distance against the clear sky. With a wide smile plastered across her face, she unlocked the door to her new home. After submitting her entry video to the Apex Games, she was shocked that she had received a callback. She had been brought to the city to display her fighting skills and her proposed Ultimate Ability before a panel of Game judges. To her surprise, she was chosen as one of the next three Legends, vying for a permanent spot. She had watched hundreds of hours of prior games in preparation, studying interviews and the techniques of the past and present Legends to get as much of an edge as she could. Now, it was her turn.

Small but well-muscled for her five-foot frame, she was the best fighter from her city, quick and nimble. She had finally ironed out most of the kinks of her equipment for her Ultimate Ability to be used during the Games. It worked as intended most of the time. It was the best she could do with the limited resources she had back home. She was hoping that she would have time to fine-tune the small piece of machinery further here with better tools and materials.

Exploring the house in wonder, she peeked in every room and cabinet. It was decorated minimally but was large, comfortable, and clean. The kitchen and bathroom were well-stocked with essentials. Most of the walls were made of glass, allowing for natural light to filter in. Every direction she looked held breathtaking views of the surrounding forest, a lush expanse of greenery and mature trees.

Eve started in surprise as the phone she had been given chimed loudly. A video played on the small screen announcing that there would be a meet and greet this afternoon with the current Legends. This seemed too tame for the Apex Games - what if this was a test? She'd half-expected to be thrown right into battle. Just in case, she donned her tactical wrist cuffs, Ultimate equipment, and set her goggles behind her bangs.

After unpacking her things, she received a notification that the transport into the main city was close. She stepped inside once it landed and glanced from side to side. There were six seats, three on each side facing the center of the small craft. Starstruck, she recognized Bloodhound already seated, dressed in their signature armor and mask. She sat on the side opposite of them and buckled herself in as the ship began to take off. It was surprisingly quiet inside, the sounds of the ship muffled, making it even more awkward and obvious that she should say something. But what? She bit her lip and nervously stroked her long, dark braid. As nonchalantly as she could, she forced herself to look out the window, wrestling with the decision to say something to them.

"Hello," Bloodhound said to her, relieving her of the need to make the first contact. They raised their hand in greeting. "Are you one of the new fighters?" Their accent was thick, their voice mechanically distorted by the respirator they wore.

Eve waved back, relief washing over her at the familiar gesture. "Hi, yes." Her voice came out squeakier than she intended. She cleared her throat. "My name is Eve."

"It is good to meet you, Eve," they replied. "I am Blóðhundur , but you can call me 'Bloodhound'." They looked her up and down and nodded approvingly. "I see you came prepared."

"I wasn't sure what we would be doing today," she said with a shrug.

"It is always wise to be ready for battle," Bloodhound reassured her. "But fighting is forbidden in the common areas. You should not have too much to worry about today."

Fated (Bloodhound x Eve (OC))Where stories live. Discover now