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"I could simply hold you down and claim what is mine. There would be nothing you could do, little prey, except take it like a good girl until I am finished with you."


Eve clung to Bloodhound's back as they brought her through the woods. She could walk now, no longer experiencing pain, but they were worried that the uneven ground and branches could present a danger to her. Today, it wasn't worth arguing with them, and she had to admit, sometimes it was appealing to be carried by them, even if she didn't need the help. Her arms were slung around their neck, her thighs clamped around their firm sides.

The day had started out warm, but underneath the canopy of the treetops the sun's hot rays were tempered, the shade allowing for a comfortable walk. Well, Bloodhound was walking, anyway, and she was along for the ride. It seemed like the hunter had been going for quite a while, but truthfully Eve hadn't been paying attention to where they were taking her. She reached up and poked their cheek impatiently, her finger digging right into where their dimple usually appeared when they smiled.

"Where are we going?"

"Patience," they said, leaning their face away as her finger moved to prod them again. "Though, if you remain aware of our surroundings, you may figure it out."

"It's easy to tell me to be patient when you're the one who always knows what's going on," she huffed.

Despite her minor annoyance at their comment, she looked side to side, trying to figure out where they might be bringing her. Bloodhound had taught her many things while on their walks, and though she was easily distracted, she did listen more often than not, especially after her scare getting lost in the woods. They had brought her to the edges of the prowlers' territory and shown her the safe trails and the warning signs of predators: scraped bark, tracks in the undergrowth, and droppings. It seemed so obvious when they pointed it out, but none of it was anything she would have paid attention to if they hadn't pointed it out.

Eve glanced around now. The trees began to thin as they went, and if she was quiet and focused, she could just hear the faint sound of rushing water, getting louder with each step they took. The air felt heavier, thicker with moisture, and Bloodhound's boots sunk into the damp earth.

"Are we going somewhere with water? A river?"

"Very good." They squeezed her thighs. "Close."

Eve wiggled in glee, her legs swishing against Bloodhound's sides. "See? I've learned a few things from you. I'm not totally hopeless."

"I never said that you were," they said slowly, an edge of teasing to their voice.

"Well, it was implied and I don't appreciate it." She nibbled on their shoulder playfully, gently grabbing a mouthful of soft cotton and muscle between her teeth.

While Bloodhound trekked onward, the sound of crashing water grew louder. They stepped over roots and rocks until they were close enough for Eve to finally see it. The sun shone brightly on a clear, rippling pool of water, surrounded by moss-covered rocks of varying heights. A small waterfall cascaded down into the water causing small waves to undulate across the surface. The mist that sprayed caught the rays of light, turning them into a shimmer of a rainbow.

Eve had grown up near a lake, and not too far from the coast and was familiar with the fresh scent of clean, natural water — at least, before the factories that overtook her home dumped their waste into it, turning it murky and tainting it with something dirty, rotten. The water here smelled good, likely fed from a spring above. The scent of the moist air filled her with warm nostalgia.

Fated (Bloodhound x Eve (OC))Where stories live. Discover now