First Date

177 21 3

"I hope you enjoy yourself tonight, krúttið mitt. I am certain your date will be unable to keep their eyes...or hands off of you."


Bloodhound watered the plants in the garden, carefully tending to the tiny green sprouts that had curled out of the soil. It amused Eve to see the hunter crouched over the little green tendrils, poking the soil to test the moisture. Their expression was so serious as they wielded the watering can, that Eve had to look away, otherwise she may have started giggling.

She stepped behind the row of tomato plants and examined the tall bush before her, looking for one that was ripe. The one she found was perfect — the skin was smooth and unmarked, bright red. Eve twisted it off the stalk with a crisp snap, the smell of crushed leaves hitting her nostrils. This found its way into her basket, on top of the zucchini and the other tomatoes she had picked.

The chime of Bloodhound's phone caused Eve to tiptoe and peer over the row of plants between them. They usually kept the device silent; her curiosity was piqued. She watched as they pulled it out of their pocket to respond and squinted in their direction to see if she could read any of the words on their screen from this distance. To her disappointment, she was too far away to make any of it out.

Bloodhound's eyes flicked up towards her from their phone shrewdly and they raised their eyebrows, catching her stare. Eve ducked and quickly sat down in the dirt behind the greenery and pretended to search for another tomato. The leaves in front of her rustled and a scarred hand pushed aside the stalks. She looked up and was met with a pair of amused green eyes. A gentle smile tugged at the corner of their lips as they peeked at her in the space they had created among the foliage.

"Something on your mind, elskan?" they asked.

Eve shrugged as nonchalantly as she could manage, but her voice was squeakier than she liked. "Nope! Just, um, picking some tomatoes back here for lunch."

"Mm, I am sure." They plucked one from the middle of the plant and handed it to her through the gap in the leaves.

She took the tomato from them and placed it with the other ones in her basket. "Thanks, I think I have enough for now."

They raised an eyebrow at her, waiting for her to say anything else, sending her unasked questions. When she didn't, they released the plant, obscuring them from view again. It was her turn to make lunch today, so Eve moved across the row and plucked a head of lettuce, inspecting it for any signs that insects had gotten to it. Bloodhound was adamant that no chemicals or pesticides be used on what they grew. Instead, they sprayed the leaves with a bottle labeled agúrkuþykkni. Though she was wary at first that the crops would be riddled with bugs, none of the vegetables she'd seen had anything other than the occasional ant wandering across it.

Eve glanced up at the sky. The sun had already start to lower, though was still high and bright, beating down on the top of her head and back of her neck. It wasn't too warm of a day, but the direct sunlight was more than she could handle as her stomach started to complain and grumble.

"I'm gonna make some food. Come inside in a few minutes?" she called out, wiping her hands on her shorts after she stood.

"I will be there soon." Bloodhound's back was to her, holding the watering can steady while they allowed a gentle sprinkle of water to cascade over the radish sprouts. "I must finish watering this row."

She watched them for a moment longer, then made her way inside. Her steps were still cautious, but she was able to put weight on her injured ankle as long as she didn't step too heavily or on uneven ground. The bruising had all but faded, only the tiniest remnants of faded green left over the area. Hopefully, if it kept healing at this rate, she'd be able to participate in the next match. Eve made a mental note to get something as thanks for Ajay – besides Bloodhound, she had the medic to thank for her speedy recovery.

Fated (Bloodhound x Eve (OC))Where stories live. Discover now