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"Your body is so responsive, turning such beautiful shades of red for me. Breathtaking."


Eve glanced at her phone, at the message alerting her that Bloodhound would be home in fifteen minutes. Since she had returned to life in Bloodhound's cabin, things had a slight edge of tension, as if both of them were more hesitant, especially in the bedroom. They had both agreed that they wanted to resume the roles they played before, and exchange control and power in the way that they both enjoyed.

Neither had truly tested the waters yet, only lightly dipping their feet in play again, but Eve was ready. She wanted them to be rough with her, to feel comfortable with their touch again, to go back to that place where she could fully submit and place her trust back in their scarred palms.

Bloodhound was being cautious, she thought — really too cautious. For now, she would have to take things into her own hands. Eve glanced at the time: twelve minutes to go. She knew she was supposed to wait for them, nude and kneeling among the cushions. She knew she was supposed to have her arms crossed behind her lower back, her eyes down until they deigned to give her any attention. She also knew that she would be in trouble if she didn't do all that.

Trouble sounded fun today.

Eve took off her thick, leather collar and placed it delicately right where she should be kneeling, doodled on a sticky note, and left the paper square in the middle of the leather ring. To add to it all, she left the pen and the pad out on the kitchen counter when she knew she was supposed to put things away when she was done with them.

She had to be sure there would be no mistaking what she meant to do. Eve took a few more pens out and scattered them on the counter and happily scooped herself some ice cream. She danced into the bedroom, thoroughly pleased with herself, and scooched to sit in the middle of the bed. Eve sat cross-legged, smiling and eating her treat. Bloodhound would be absolutely thrilled to see what she had done.

Halfway through her dessert, she heard the cabin door open and close, the thumping of boots, then the steps suddenly stopped. Eve knew they had discovered her surprise. She wore a wide grin as Bloodhound entered the bedroom and stood in the doorway. Though they were covered from head to toe, wearing their battle gear, she could sense the displeasure rolling off them in waves from the stiffness in their shoulders and the way their fist was tight around the collar.

"Hi, Daddy," she cooed, popping the spoon in her mouth, savoring another sweet bite of mint chip. Eve tilted her head to the side to examine their masked face. "Something wrong? You look tense."

"What is this?" they asked, her hot pink sticky note on their gloved finger. The cheeky little smiley face she had doodled on the paper was sticking its tongue out.

Eve shrugged and put her ice cream to the side, anticipating their approach. "It's a special note for you. Don't you like it?" She batted her eyelashes cloyingly for good measure.

Bloodhound's breathy, unamused laugh crackled, distorted through the filter of their respirator. Eve unconsciously leaned back as they stepped closer with heavy, deliberate boot steps. They took off their gloves and set these on the bedside table and stood, arms crossed, beside the bed.

"I will offer you one more chance to do as I have instructed." They pointed to the ground next to them, their voice lowering into that delicious, dark tone that pooled and wound up something deep inside of Eve. "Undress and Kneel."

Eve was tempted to give in — but she needed to test them, to see if they would reel her back in and take control from her the way she wanted. They had to earn it today.

Fated (Bloodhound x Eve (OC))Where stories live. Discover now