Chapter 9

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Rudra's Mansion.

Rudra's eyes darkened upon seeing Arnav and he equally glared at him with intense hatred.

It was as if they were both competing as to who could give up but in the end Arnav was no match for Rudra and he turned his gaze back to Khushi who was staring at Rudra and pressed his arms.

Rudra's darkened gaze softened immediately it fell on Khushi and she smiled at him and he knew it was time.

"Don't hesitate to call me if you need help. " Khushi nodded and Rudra signalled Alex to follow him but he looked pissed and turned back to Khushi she gave him a nod.

Alex sighed but glared at Arnav who rolled his eyes at him.

He smiled when he saw Khushi but she had a blank expression on her face and Arnav knew she was determined to hate him.

"Look Khushi I am really sorry for everything that happened but please come to your senses...... This man is just using you...... He doesn't love you like I do. " Khushi scoffed and rolled her eyes at him. "Yes I was wrong for what I did to you but believe me it was all shyam fault because now that I think about it he lied to me and made me out to be a monster...... You know I was changing just for you but he was jealous and when I saw you on the terrace in his arms and asking him to divorce Di I was angry and that made me do what I did...... I love you Khushi and I can make this right..... All you have to do is deny everything that happened yesterday and I will shower you with love. "

Khushi let out a mocking laughter which confused Arnav who thought his sincerity will soften her heart.

"You are just as disgusting as that shameless woman you call a sister. " Khushi taunted and Arnav started fuming like raging bull and Khushi shook her head at him. "Look at you...... Immediately I spoke the truth about your two Faced sister you are angry and all of sudden you forgot your so called love for me. " Arnav mellowed hearing this and bowed his head. "But I don't blame the two of you because you two have the blood of two adulterers running in you. " Arnav's head snapped back at Khushi in shock. "Yes I already know your so called innocent mother was the other woman and Anjali is an affair baby and you mother thought just because she could have children she had won the jackpot but karma got her when her husband cheated and they both deserved it...... Do you know the difference between you and Rudra, he may have anger issues but he knows how to control himself....... He was raised by a good and honest woman while you were raised by a bunch of adulterers, hypocrites and narcissists...... When he loves he loves unconditionally but you want terms and conditions....... You are the fire that destroys but he is the fire that lights the way to happiness and leads you out of darkness...... I don't have to prove myself when am around him and he makes me feel safe something you have never made me feel...... He believes in my dreams but your crash them for you ego....... You are my biggest mistake and I regret ever meeting you...... No wait actually I don't regret meeting you because meeting you led me to Rudra and I thank you for that...... Now leave and never show me you ugly face again..... This house was filled with happiness not long ago until your venomous stench polluted it...... You have seen his love for me when he announced me as his fiancee then imagine what he will do if you hurt me...... Leave and go play puppet to that shameless sister of yours and I heard your business is now non existent because everyone is quitting from investors to your employees...... You are nobody..... Leave from here before I have you dragged out. "

Arnav was shocked hearing everything Khushi just said but he wasn't going to give up on her and he marched up to Khushi but before he could touch her fist met him in the face sending him onto the floor with a broken nose.

𝓣𝔀𝓲𝓼𝓽𝓮𝓭 𝓕𝓪𝓽𝓮 (𝓣𝔀𝓲𝓼𝓽𝓮𝓭 𝓣𝓻𝓾𝓽𝓱). Where stories live. Discover now