Chapter 183: Arrest Her

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"Yes". Raymond nodded. "After the viscount's wife passed away, his lover Roseanne became his new wife. Afterwards, she became Count Clovis' lover".

"Did you find additional information about the deaths of Count Alessin and Viscount Olbach's first wife?"

"Of course! You may always count on me, Your Majesty!"

Raymond gave Jungkook a single sheet of paper.

"I interviewed a servant who used to work on Count Alessin's home. According to the witness, the day before the Count died he had a horrible argument with his daughter. The next day, the Count was found lying on the floor with a bottle of poison in his hand".

"And they regarded his death by poison as suicide?"

Raymond nodded. "Because Count Alessin had huge debts to his name at the time, House Alessin wanted his death to be resolved quickly. What's more, his only family member, the queen, was abroad".

"And what about the death of the Viscount's wife?"

"After finding out that her husband had a lover, she died shortly after by committing suicide with poison. Her actions brought shame to her family, so her death was quietly swept under the rug".

Raymond sighed.

"There are suspicions, Your Majesty, that Count Clovis helped facilitate the viscount's wife death. The investigation of her death was carried out too lightly and rather hurriedly. What's more, the detective in charge was hired by the Count".

"Is there any information regarding what type of poison they used?" Jungkook asked.

"Yes, that information has been revealed in the investigation. Both the viscount's former wife and Count Alessin ingested a poisonous plant named talis. But this plant has a peculiar characteristic, my king. Talis is a poisonous plant, but usually..."

"People don't usually use talis to commit suicide. It's a toxic substance that makes the victim suffer utter pain, as though they were in the deepest pits of hell" Jungkook added.

Raymond looked at Jungkook, his eyes widened.

"How do you know that? But it's true. Even though talis is effective and quick, it causes the victim too much pain to be used for suicide. It would destroy the victim's organs and make them throw up blood nonstop before finally finding themselves at death's hands. Thus, even if one were to commit suicide, it would be with other poisonous plants, definitely not talis",

Jungkook's fist tightened. With those words, he felt as though ants were crawling all over his skin.

"Arrest her". He growled.

Raymond nodded. "Yes... even though there isn't enough evidence, it should be enough to make her confess her crimes".

"No. That woman will never confess. She'll play innocent, as though she'd never played any role in that plan".

"If that was so, Your Majesty, then proving her guilt will be difficult. Even before, no definite proof was ever found..."

"That's why it's necessary to arrest Count Clovis".

Raymond inhaled sharply. "Count Clovis? Why..."

"For treason, of course".

"Your Majesty!" Raymond was so shocked he couldn't help raising his voice.

Raymond had seen Arundell in ruins after an inner conflict that had happened 20 years ago, so he was particularly sensitive to any event that might destroy the country. They'd barely overcome the bloodshed that happened back then, and he didn't want anything remotely similar from ocurring again.

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