Chapter 144: Lalisa's Fall

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Everyone started scrambling towards the direction that the ball fell into. Lalisa also hurriedly ran between the trees trying to find the ball. The faster they find the ball, the more they can save time.

As she searched around for a while, she suddenly was met with a turquoise-colored lake. Lalisa admired the wonderfully clear water and walked up to it. Feeling the refreshing cool wind, she stood for a moment to cool her head that was dripping with sweat. She then found the white ball right next to the lake.

"So here it is."

The ball was teetering on the edge, so Lalisa was glad it didn't completely fall into it. As the depth of this water is very deep, it would be hard to pick it out of the bottom.

Lalisa picked up the small whistle that is hanging around her neck that's used to calling the people to come around her area. Just as she was going to blow on it as hard as she can, someone came from behind and pushed her hard as they could.


Right away her body was engulfed with cold water. There was no time to look behind her in time to see who had pushed her. Water rushed into her mouth and nose quickly before she could act. Lalisa struggled with her body to save her life, but her body fell deeper into the water.

As her sight became blurred and dark, she saw someone quickly run away.

'... Who?'

And with that thought, all her strength gave out. Feeling her body sink deeper into the bottom of the river, Lalisa closed her eyes.

'I've been revived, yet now I end up dying like this.'

Just as this thought crept in her mind, someone pulled her body into their embrace and pulled her straight out of the water.


As soon as she was pulled out of the water, Lalisa coughed out water from her lungs first.

After seeing Lalisa cough out some water and begin to breathe properly, Jungkook finally let out the sigh of relief he was holding back on.

"Damn it!"

She then heard him curse out loudly, which was so unexpected that her eyes widened. She suddenly remembered the moment when he saw her taking medicine and he mistook it as her trying to suicide. Perhaps he thought that was what was happening now as well.

"Your Majesty!"

Before Lalisa could make any kind of excuse, Raymond came running from afar. Behind him were numerous nobles following behind as well. Raymond found the two completely soaked to the bone and gasped at the sight.

"My goodness! What happened to you two!? Your Majesty, are you all right!?"

Lalisa nodded her head but didn't have any energy to properly make a reply. More than anything, she suddenly felt a huge surge of chill run up her body and shivered heavily.

Jungkook saw Lalisa chattering her teeth as she shook from the cold and swore once again but with a low voice.

Raymond brought a blanket from somewhere and handed it to him.

Jungkook wrapped the blanket around Lalisa's body, then wrapped her in his arms as he stood up. The most pressing concern is to bring up her body temperature.

"Where is the closest villa from here?"

"It's a 5-minute walk from here."

Without any hesitation or any more words, Jungkook hurriedly started walking towards the direction that Raymond was pointing at when Lalisa pulled on Jungkook's wet clothes. His purple eyes burned up with rage turned directly to her immediately. Lalisa shivered her body with both cold and fear as she spoke.

"...S-Someone pushed me from behind. That's why I was in the water..."


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