Chapter 106: All Night Moans

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Both Jungkook and Lalisa flinched at the door's sudden knock.

Lalisa quickly shut her eyes from the fervent embarrassment while Jungkook's lips parted slowly.

A hint of sadness and anger flashed in his eyes as he said, "Let's leave this here for this morning. We'll have many nights together in the future."

He spoke without much hesitation and bashful shame. He smiled lightly and covered her body with a blanket. Afterward, he stood up and put on the robe resting quietly next to the bedside table.

"Come in."

As his commanding words echoed, two maidservants entered. They came to collect evidence of their marriage. Jungkook carefully handed them a cloth neatly folded away in the corner of the bed to the maidservants, and they who received it bowed respectfully and left the room.

As the door closed, Jungkook looked over his shoulder and stared at Lalisa. She was in the bed with a blanket pulled up to her neck, revealing only her bashful and red face. The tail-end of his lips raised to a coquettish smile seeing that angel.

He made his way to her with a skip and with blushing cheeks the color of rouged red, he pinched her cheek lightly and said gently, "I wish to spend more time with you, but I'm afraid I'll have to let you go. I've to tend to the honored guests that visited us for the wedding. I'll tell Mrs. Cessley to care for you. For now, I think that it's best that you take a good rest for the whole day."

He gave a light kiss on her lips, her nose, and her forehead.

"I'll see you soon," Jungkook said.

Then he left and opened the door connected to the adjacent room, his presence disappearing completely.

Lalisa fell back onto the bed. Her mind was a complete utter mess.

Yesterday... today... everything that occurred at that time was... unreal.


Entering the adjacent room, Raymond stood at the side with a towel in hand. He saw that Jungkook's face was full of satisfaction. Raymond smiled happily.

"Looks like it turned out well, Your Majesty. So... how was your first time like?"

Jungkook swiped the towel from his hand and gave no reply. He detested the touch of others laying their hands on his body. But Raymond was an exception.

And... Lalisa too... yes... he would offer his body to her whenever she liked.

"I was left wondering whether to knock on the door before it got too late... but... when I thought of it again, well..."

"It's a good thing you didn't. You'd be dead by now."

While Raymond splurged his thought out loud, Jungkook replied with a low, growling voice.

Raymond sulked and thought, 'Of course you would, black-haired-beast.'

"Uh... yes. You did mention that you wanted no witnesses present for the consummation ceremony. I did think that you would execute me had I interrupted the moment," Raymond said then he softly muttered to the side, "You even chased out the witnesses too."

"If you understood, you did well to keep my words in your mind."

Jungkook pulled off his clothes and stepped foot inside the bath.

Raymond smirked. He had a devilish intention to tease the beast a little.

"But you know... it was her first night. You should've held back a bit more. The sounds I heard all night long was pretty shocking. I was scared, even worried for Her Majesty. I even thought that she'd run away from..."


As the door closed, it opened again instantly.

Jungkook, in his complete naked form, his manhood dangling side to side, walked towards Raymond with a seething look.

"What did you hear?"

His teeth ground together and his eyes were like a blazing inferno. He was enraged to the point of grabbing the decorative sword on the wall to slice Raymond apart.

Raymond cleared his throat and quickly trashed away his joking intent and hurriedly waved his hands' side to side.


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