Chapter 127: Why Do You Cry? (19+)

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Lalisa let out a short, delicate moan. Synchronous to her gasping breaths, Jungkook bit down on her nape and felt the smoothness of her skin and devoured her. She looked akin to a prey waiting to be eaten by a beast.

While she shut her eyes tight, her willowy brows furrowed together, Jungkook friskily rubbed her twin peaks and did not stop. His ceaseless attacks from both sides made her nearly lose her mind.

A second breath later, Jungkook let go of her wrist and lifted her.

Lalisa gasped as he grabbed her perky butt and pushed her up against the wall. Behind her, the rough texture of the tapestry hung on the wall rubbed against her skin while a man blocked her from the front, his body pressed tightly onto her with only a single layer of silk in between.

She struggled fruitlessly despite knowing all attempts of escape were hollow and useless.


The unbridled Jungkook bit the edge of her ear.

Lalisa instinctively shrank her body in reaction.

"What is it? Is this not to your liking? I recall that you, my wife, had given me the allowance to embrace any woman as much as I please and like."

He whispered in her ear madly; a tongue slipped out and swept over her. His coarse and deep voice and the wet licking sound echoing right against her ear seemed threatening.

Her chest beat fast and was on the verge of exploding.

"I-I... I meant someone else..." Lalisa gasped out a weak answer.

"I chose the woman I want to embrace. No one can dictate who I can or cannot hold. You don't realize this simple fact?! Have you forgotten who I am, Lalisa?!"

Jungkook's cold voice was embedded with volcanic rage.

That was when she realized the cause of his anger.

She may have triggered a hidden emotion due to the words she had spoken. Jungkook had, after all, suffered under the shadows of his mother in the past. Though the amount of effort and taxation of stress in his back was wholesome to win back the political power the Queen Mother stole from him, he managed in the end.

Maybe her words triggered a memory he put away-that was being ordered around.

Jungkook wore a blank expression and held Lalisa closer to his arms and wrapped it around his neck. He placed his hand on her stomach and slowly fumbled down the space between her legs, entering her fleshiest parts and digging deep inside.

She drew her head forward and buried it into his shoulders and let out an unnerving moan.

Her garden was dry and had yet to be watered-even taking in one finger was excruciatingly painful. He licked her skin and sank his teeth on her nape and bit down hard as he worked on moistening her flesh. As his movements became a repeated occurrence, her fleshy garden slowly moistened with humidity before she realized what was happening.


Jungkook let out a shivering voice.

His manhood had grown erect to its maximum length.

He removed his finger from her flesh and pulled down his bottoms. As he worked to push his member inside her, he noticed his shoulder growing increasingly wet.


A bucket of tears dampened his clothing. Yet she made no sounds. She bit her lips and prevented the tearful voice from escaping.

'Damn it!'

Jungkook came to his senses and he cursed himself.

He realized his mistake.

"...Lalisa, why are you crying?"

His voice softened soothingly.

Her tears did not stop.

Jungkook let out a despairing sigh.

While holding onto her body, he walked towards the bed and laid her onto it. He pulled up a blanket and wrapped it around her naked body tightly like a cocoon. Thereafter, he laid next to her and stroked the silver-colored hair sprawled over the pillow.

"I... I'm sorry... I was wrong... please stop crying..."


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