
208 18 38

day 45

If you have forgotten what went on last episode, well then lets get you caught up. Adam is sad about his ex leaving with another guy named Adam, Roman and Carmella swapped DNA via mouth, Jade is into Bianca's ex (no, not Jey), Cameron made Bayley cry and Finn angry, Bianca tried to get Cameron to apologize which failed miserably and lastly, Dean beat Seth at multiple rounds of Poker so now Seth owes him money (yes we know it wasnt televised).

9:35 am

"You alright man?"Damian asked Jey as he took a seat on the lounge chair next to him

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"You alright man?"Damian asked Jey as he took a seat on the lounge chair next to him.

He had noticed that Jey had been sitting there for the past 30 minutes just staring at ground. Obviously a lot was on his mind.

Jey sighed, "Bruh...the shit ive been dealing with since ive been here aint easy. I dont know what im doing wrong. I dont. Im trying to be the best I can be but....it aint enough. Im this close to giving up."

"I understand man. But if I can give you some advice, it would be to give up on chasing after her if you want. Just dont give up on yourself. She may not be the one but the good news is, she's not the only one out there."said Damian.

Jey nodded as he listened.

VC-Jey-Hopefully today I can get some time to talk to Jade and figure out what the hell is going on. I feel like she's playing me yo. I feel like...all this time...she's been using me. One little conversation with Montez-a guy she doesnt even know-and she turns against me? Thats all it takes? Really?

Jey found Jade at the outdoor kitchen.

"Hey. You busy?"he asked her.

She took a sip of her coffee and then answered, "Not really."

"Can we talk?"

She agreed and then they both headed up to the terrace.

"So...whats going on? What was that last night?"he asked.

"What was what? Jey, you're the one that came over and caused a scene."

"Me? Jade, Montez was the one mouthing off on me! I didnt do shit!"

"There you go again, getting riled up."

"What the hell bruh-so im the problem now? Jade I spent all this time with you. I put in all this effort with you. And now you acting completely different."

"There are things about you that I dont appreciate Jey. All this anger and aggression, you gotta change it if we're ever going to be something."

"You're acting like im the fucking Hulk or something girl. The only time I let myself lose control is when people are messing with me or those that I love. I have never showed any type of aggression to you. You're just making excuses now."

"It doesnt matter Jey. You need to mature a lot. I know you dont want to hear it but its the truth."

"Man....I really thought we were gonna be endgame. But now its just excuses after excuses."

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