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continuation of night 33

continuation of night 33

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"Fuck. They're hot."Indi said as she and the other girls were still on the terrace looking down at the boys in the backyard.

VC-Indi-These two bombshells strut in here and immediately all the boys look captivated by them. Ugh, this is the part of the show I hate.

"Is that Summer?"Sasha asked.

"You know her?"Liv asked.

"Yea. From The Challenge."Sasha responded.

"She's an interesting one for sure."said Alexa.

VC-Alexa-Seeing Summer walk in here is very surprising. The last ive heard from her was way back in 2018. She's a pretty nice girl but...she's like, fake nice. You'll think she's your friend but she probably doesnt even like you. Its all a front.


"Hey you."Summer said as she gave Dean a hug and a kiss on the cheek.

"Long time no see."he responded as he put his arm around her waist.

"Very long time indeed."she giggled.

Seth still looked on at the two in confusion.

From up on the terrace, Liv took notice of this.

"Did she just fucking kiss his cheek?"Liv asked.

VC-Liv-What the....Am I missing something here? Who the fuck is she?

"Im about to go down there and start some shit, I swear to god."Liv said.

"Girl, arent you single?"Cameron asked.

"Yea but-"

"But nothing. He aint your man. Why are you trying to fight?"

Liv didnt respond.


"Which one of you guys think you can show me the best time?"Summer asked the guys, "Im ready to get my party on."

The guys plus Summer and Aliyah were all gathered at the outdoor kitchen having drinks.

"Well if you like to party then, im your guy."said Damian.

The guys all cheered him on.

"You better not let me down."she said with a wink.

VC-Summer-For sure I see a lot of potential with some of the guys already. I just cant wait to get this thing started!

"So obviously y'all been watching the show, who you got your eyes on?"Jey asked.

"Maybe I got my eyes on you."Aliyah flirted.

Jey smiled.

"I also had my eyes on somebody else but...he got into a relationship recently so I guess theres no luck there."Aliyah added as she side eyed Ricochet.

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