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If you're reading this, its December 2022 and ive just realized a chapter of this book has been deleted. Im not sure how it got deleted but I know that I didnt do it because it was a very important chapter. The chapter was titled 'Black Dahlia' and it was published in October 2022. It was initially the chapter published before this one. Let me give you a summary of the important things that happened.

After the recoupling was over, Liv stumbled upon Alexa and AdamP making out in the outdoor kitchen. She was very thrown off by this since Alexa was showing no remorse about what happened with her and AdamC just hours earlier. Even though he was now coupled with Jojo, AdamC chose not to sleep in the same bed with her because he was still coming to terms with his recent break up. Meanwhile, Alexa and AdamP spent most of the night with each other in the pool.
It was day 43 in the Villa. Liv and Alexa had gotten into an argument about how poorly Alexa had been treating AdamC. Liv expressed disappointment in seeing her and AdamP kissing the night before, letting her know that AdamC was still torn up about everything. Alexa did not care to hear it, especially from Liv.

Bianca and Damian found themselves getting closer. They expressed how much they cared about each other and even admitted to being attracted to one another even though they are both so different. They then shared a kiss.

Cameron tried to charm Damian back into being with her, saying that she had gotten over Dolph and was ready to continue what she had with him. However, Damian refused to be second place and told her that he wasn't interested.

Roman told Jey that Seth was the one that informed Bianca about him and Mandy. This led Jey to confront Seth about the situation in  which Seth unapologetically owned up to it. Jey was upset at the fact that Seth ruined things between him and Bianca and acted innocent all this time. As they were arguing, Roman came to Jey's defense and Sasha came to Seth's. Because of this argument, Seth is no longer on Jey's good side. Later on in the night, Beth returned to the Villa and announced to the Islanders that the public had been voting for their favorite couples. The 3 couples with the least amount of votes risked being dumped from the Island. The bottom 3 couples ended up being Alexa and AdamP, Jojo and AdamC, and Indi and Ricochet. Indi and Ricochet being on the bottom 3 was a great shock to everyone. Then, Beth threw a curveball at everyone as she brought in a new islander and a returning one. Carmella was the newest Islander to join the cast (and the last one) and with great surprise, Montez was the returning islander, back for a shot to find love. They both were given the option to recouple with the Islanders that were currently at risk- Indi, Alexa, Jojo, Ricochet, AdamP or AdamC. Whoever they did not couple up with, will be dumped from the island. Montez coupled up with Jojo and Carmella coupled up with AdamC therefore, Indi and Ricochet, and Alexa and AdamP were dumped. Sasha was the most heart broken by Indi and Ricochet having to leave as she had to say goodbye to two of her closest friends. Liv's goodbye to Alexa was bittersweet as Liv continued to express her disappointment with Alexa's actions. AdamC also said his goodbyes to Alexa which ended up in them having an argument. However, Adam was able to stand his ground and walk away, ultimately confirming the end to their relationship.


day 44

8:45 am

Sasha was seen sitting upright on her and Seth's bed, blankly staring at the bed that Indi and Ricochet used to sleep on.  Montez and Jojo had taken it over.

VC-Sasha-Its hard waking up this morning and not seeing Indi and Ric. Indi's voice was always the first voice I heard in the morning. They were one of the couples you swore would have made it until the end. I still cant get over that they're not here anymore but a couple like Roman and Cam are. Im still mad.

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