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continuation of night 11

Damian sighed.

Sasha and Dana tightly held hands as they waited for him to speak.

All eyes were on him. The silence was deafening.

VC-Damian-It is so tough being in this position because at the end of it all....im going to have to break someone's heart tonight and....*sigh*I hate that. I hate disappointing people.

"So um....this is a very difficult spot to be in."he said, "Ive had the pleasure of getting to know both of you ladies. You both are incredible. The girl that id like to couple up with....her and I have a strong connection and attraction to each other that im definitely interested in exploring. After the time we had...I cant get my mind off of her. I hate to do this but...the girl i'll be choosing is......"

Sasha closed her eye.

The rest of the islanders all braced themselves.

"Sasha."he said.

Mandy's jaw dropped.

Before walking over and sitting down with Damian, Sasha gave Dana a hug.

"Well this is um....awkward."said Dana with evident sadness in her voice as she was standing alone facing all of the islanders.


"I...got a text."she half heartedly said. She began reading it out loud.

Most of the islanders immediately got out of their seats to give her a hug good bye

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Most of the islanders immediately got out of their seats to give her a hug good bye.

"Its alright guys."Dana said as tears rolled down her cheeks, "I'll be fine."

"Im sorry Dana."Damian apologised.

"You fucked up."Mandy said to him. He didnt respond. The guilt was plastered on his face.

VC-Mandy-I am livid. I cant imagine what Dana's going through right now.

Mandy, Alexa, Liv and Kayla all followed behind Dana to help her pack her things.

"Its okay guys, really."said Dana as she zipped up a suitcase.

"No its not Dana! He led you on, thats what he did!"Mandy ranted, "Im pissed. This shouldn't have happened to you. Sasha should have been the one packing her bags! After one lousy date in the hot tub he chooses her? Are you kidding?"

"Theres nothing we can do about it now."Dana said.

VC-Dana-I dont know what to say *wipes eyes*...I thought this was going to be the start of something special. I should have known better......*sighs*....I dont know why I even bother to be honest.....

Everyone was gathered at the front entrance of the villa to say their goodbyes to Dana.

"Again, im sorry Dana."said Damian as he tried to go in for a hug.

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