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continuation of Day 38

AdamC and Jojo were seen on their date.

"You look familiar. I feel like ive seen you somewhere before."Adam said to her.

"I was on Are You The One. I dont know if you've seen it."she said.

"Ohhh right! You were with Roman right?"

"Sort of."she laughed

"So, what brings you here to Love Island?"

"I guess im still looking for the one. Havent been able to find him unfortunately."she said as she took a sip from her glass.

"How long have you been single?"

"Two years."

"No way."he said in surprise.

She nodded, "Mhmm. I seem to always attract the wrong guys. At first they seem great but eventually, their red flags start showing."

"Are you excited to get back onto the dating scene?"Adam asked.

"Im excited and a bit nervous."she smiled, "I dont know what to expect."

"So what type of guy are you looking for?"

"One with a good heart."she laughed, "Thats all I want. Im done chasing after these F-boys."

"Im sure you have a lot of F-boys chasing after you though."

"I do but, I dont care. They're bad news. Im done with them. You cant settle down and start a family with a player. I mean-you can but the relationship is going to keep on getting toxic."

"Nothing but the truth. So I guess you're looking for husband material then? You're not just trying to have a summer fling?"

"My time for summer flings have long ended. If I cant see myself marrying him then im not going to entertain it. Im not here to play, im here for business only."

Adam laughed, "I like that you know what you want. A lot of people in this Villa are here to play so its nice to meet someone who's different. So, what made you pick me for this date?"

"Because I feel like we're very similar. I can relate a lot to you. What you are going through now, ive been through already."

"What do you mean?"

"The two timing, the secrecy, the always being made to feel like im over reacting. It sucks."

He nodded, "Yea but...no relationship is perfect."

"Thats true but these are things that you shouldnt have to be going through in a relationship. Arent you tired of it? Alexa is supposed to be making you feel like you're the only man in the world."

"Yea...I guess its pretty tiring. Since Adam got here our relationship has felt like a whirlwind."

"It sucks seeing you go through that. I feel like you deserve so much better."

Adam didnt respond. Instead, he took a sip of his wine. His silence wasnt because he was irritated, it was because he knew she was right. He just didnt know what to say to that comment.

"I...would love to get to know you better if thats okay with you."Jojo said to him, "I think you're one of the best guys in the Villa. I see the way you are with Alexa and I admire it. You're genuine, thoughtful, caring. I can see why Alexa doesnt want to let you go."

He tilted his head, "Wait a minute. So...you can see yourself marrying me then?"

She broke out in laughter, "For sure. You are husband material to a T."

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