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continuation of day 25

The Villa

After being introduced to the seven new boys, all of the girls quickly assembled into the dressing room for a quick chat.

"I dont know about you guys but...im overwhelmed right now."said Bianca.

"Tell me about it."Indi agreed, "Its just one thing after another. First the boys get taken, then we learn we're not going to be seeing them for four days, now seven new boys?"

"Why are you guys complaining though?"asked Mandy, "Seven new boys isnt a bad thing at all."

"Wait..."said Liv, "Since we have new boys...do you think the guys are going to be in a villa with new girls?"

The girls all looked at each other.

"Oh no."Alexa muttered.

"That would make sense."said Mandy.

"Its happening again."said Sasha.

Liv covered her face with her hands and sat down on a chair.

"Wait-whats happening again?"Indi asked.

"Temptation Island. Thats whats happening again."Alexa angrily said.

"I...dont know what that means."Indi responded.

"Maybe not."said Bayely, "Maybe the producers decided to give us a little treat by sending these new guys here to take our mind off of things. I dont think theres reason to worry."

"Jeez Bayley, stop acting like you're new to this."said Mandy, "This definitely is Temptation Island part 2. Those guys are in that villa with new girls, I can just feel it."

Liv got up and began pacing, "Im like-freaking out right now guys. I swear im going to have a panic attack."

"Whats wrong?"Alexa asked.

"This! Everything's thats happened today! Thats whats wrong!"

VC-Liv-Oh my god....like..I know Dean and I are...temporarily through but....I still fucking love him and the thought of him probably being in a house filled with other girls is driving me nuts like....I dont know how im going to deal with this. Im feeling like its the end of the world right now *wipes eyes* This is not what I fucking signed up for! What the fuck!

"Its like this stupid show has been haunting us ever since we did it."Alexa complained.

"Well, I dont know about you guys but theres a bunch of fine ass men out there waiting for us so uh, buy bye."said Sasha before she walked out of the room.

VC-Sasha-Yea I was just warming up to Damian and I know im going miss him at some point but....I already saw some new guys that I dont mind getting to know a little better. Lemme have my fun y'all.

"Hate to admit but...she's not wrong."said Mandy before she too, left.

Alexa sighed.

VC-Alexa-I cant believe the producers would trap us into doing this whole temptation thing again. Ugh, im getting flashbacks and...I hate it. Why is this happening? This is so not cool.

"As if this damn show wasnt already messy enough."Bianca shook her head as she also took her exit through the door.

VC-Indi-Four days away from our guys is going to be tough. Especially if they're at the other villa with new girls. I just hope these new guys can take our minds off of them because...I might go insane.


Casa Amor

The guys were all seen relaxing on the pool chairs. By this time, most of them were already drunk and tired from running around the house since they got there.

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