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continuation of the 3rd day

GC-Matt and Montez

Matt-So...we got 2 out of 8 correct.

Montez-Thanks to me!

Matt-Yea we sucked out there.

Montez-Those other guys didnt even fucking try!

Matt-Bro, I tried.

Montez-Yea but the other 3 didnt!

Matt-*laughs*Calm down man. We're not even winning a prize.

Montez-I just hate losing.

It was now time for the girls' turn.

VC-Liv-Im not going to lie, im excited to get the dirt on the guys. Im just hoping that Dean's secrets arent that bad.

Sasha was up first.

The blue suitcase strolled down the conveyor belt

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The blue suitcase strolled down the conveyor belt. She opened it up and got out the envelope. She read the secret out loud. It said-

This guy steals flowers from grave sites to give to his dates.

"Oh my god I already know who this is."said Sasha as she confidently walked over to the group of guys.

VC-Sasha-Who else would do something like that besides Dean? Honestly? If this isnt him im going to be so shocked. Like...im so sure this is him that id even bet money on it.

Sasha went over to Dean and pulled him in for a kiss.

Liv cringed at the sight of them.

VC-Sasha-So yea, the downside of me being so sure that this secret belongs to Dean is the fact that I have to kiss him.......as you can imagine, it was very awkward.

VC-Liv-Im not mad because I know Sasha and Dean are as compatible as oil and water is. They're the type of duo that you'd usually see in a buddy cop movie together.

When Sasha was done, she went back to the suitcase and opened the other envelope.

"Yup, I was right! The secret belonged to Dean!"she said as the girls cheered.

VC-Sasha-At least the kiss was worth something.

"Damn. Flowers aint even that expensive though."Montez commented.

VC-Dean-Why would you buy a bouquet of fresh flowers to just throw it on a grave? It makes no sense. Its a waste of money and it could really help me out by getting me laid so...if we gotta use flowers then lets use it for the right reason you know? In the end, im putting the flowers to good use, it saves me money and ends up helping me score so its a win win.

VC-Liv-Now im wondering...how many dead people's flowers has he given me?

Alexa was up next.

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