
327 21 44

day 26

The Villa

8:02 am

As the automatic curtains drew apart, the sunlight beamed through the large glass windows of the communal bedroom, forcing everyone to wakeup.

Not only did that force them to wake up but also the bright LED bedroom lights that I turned on did as well. Im so happy that I get to control these things from where I am.

"Rise and shine people!"said Liv as she was seen tying her hair in a messy bun.

Indi groaned.

Xyon and Sasha were seen still cuddled together while awake.

VC-Liv-I was hoping that id wake up and realize that everything that happened yesterday was all a dream. As a matter of fact, I was hoping that everything that happened in the past week would have been just a dream. But...nope. This is one hundred percent real.

VC-Bianca-Im not going to lie, it was weird not waking up next to Jey this morning. Even though I still hate his ass...I missed his presence. I miss all the guys actually.

"Hope you ladies slept well."said Adam to the girls as they made their way out to the backyard.

"I already made you guys coffee. Just grab a mug and relax. Kenny's whipping up breakfast."he added.

"Jeez mate, what did I do to deserve this?"said Xyon as the girls all giggled.

Alexa's eyes grew wide as she noticed Adam was wearing nothing but his briefs.

VC-Sasha-Last night was....just great. I felt really comfortable sleeping next to Xyon which is a first for me. It takes me a long time to get comfortable with someone. Maybe this is a sign....who knows *blushes*

Indi was seen talking to Bayley as they had breakfast.

"Im trying my best to have fun and get my mind off of Ric but...its hard."Indi was saying, "Ive gotten so attached to him lately. All I can think about is what he's doing at that other villa. If he's even thinking about me."

"Im sure he is. Stop worrying."said Bayley.

"Yea but if he can kiss Kayla behind my back then god knows what else he's probably doing. I cant relax."

"Well, you have seven new guys to explore. Dont hold back."

"Ugh, I dont know. The lads are cool and all but I cant just get over Ric just like that. How are you handling this?"

Bayley sighed, "Honestly....im just preparing for the worst."

"You think Finn would do something to hurt you?"

"I dont know but...im not getting my hopes up too high."

VC-Bayley-Im sure Finn's surrounded by a bunch of pretty, sexy girls that can easily take his mind off of me. Im not saying that he'll hook up with anyone but...im sure he's bound to make a strong connection with someone. And if he does then...I cant get mad. Thats what we came here for, to find out if its meant to be.


The girls at Casa Amor were all seen in the dressing room together, getting dolled up to take on the day.

"So girls, what do you think of the guys?"asked Cameron as she put eyeliner on, "Give me the updates. Anyone banged?"

"Pft. I wish."said Tay.

"I think I found my partner in crime."said Penelope as she applied sunscreen on her legs.

"You and Dean huh?"said Allie, "I saw you two last night getting cozy in each other's arms."

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