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continuation of day 44

4:18 pm

After the day's challenge was over, the Islanders were now back at the Villa with nothing left to do but be bothered by all of your wonderful tweets. I hope you feel proud. However, there was one Islander that was being bothered by something else.

Adam was seen sitting on the terrace by himself, looking up at the clear, Fijian sky. Every time he saw a plane fly by, he couldn't help but wonder if Alexa was aboard.

VC-Adam-I am....not in the right head space right now. Im not...feeling great. I feel mentally and emotionally drained and....sick. Yes....I am not taking this break up well.

"Hey."said Liv as she joined Adam on the terrace.

He looked up and smiled at her.

She took a seat next to him.

"How are you feeling?"she asked.

He sighed, "Like....I dont want to be here anymore."

She nodded, "Yea, I understand that feeling."

"I really dont think I can carry on with the rest of the show. I dont have the mental energy. I just...want to be alone. But.....I feel really selfish for wanting that."

"Thats not selfish at all Adam. I know exactly how you're feeling."

"I want to leave but at the same time.....I dont want to let Jojo down. Or neither Carmella. Im just....really conflicted right now."

"Put yourself first. Your mental health should be the most important thing. You know that whatever you decide to do, we all will support you."

He nodded, "Thanks Liv."

"Im sorry she did this to you. I really am."Liv said.

"Its not your fault. Its mine."

"No its not. Its hers. You deserve so much better Adam, you really do."

He forced a smile.

She reached over and gave him a hug.

VC-Adam-Maybe i'll be able to get over the way im feeling? *sigh* I dont know. The break up is still so fresh and new. Im still very affected by it. Maybe time will heal me. Plus i'd feel really bad about leaving Jojo. We have a great connection. That would be unfair to her and even Carmella. Im definitely going to sleep on the decision and by tomorrow, if I still feel like I cant handle being here then.....im going to cut my time short. It makes no sense to stick around if im just going to be miserable.

Poor Adam. How about we check in with Montez? After all, he's known to be a very empathetic person and is great at reading the room. Im sure he's being affected by everything thats been going on.

VC-Montez-Ya boy's back in town so you know what that means? *takes off sunglasses* THATS RIGHT! WE GON PARTY! AINT NO SUCH THING AS SITTING AROUND AND BEING SAD! OH NO NO! KING TEZ IS BACK IN THE HOUSE WE GOING CRAZY TONIGHT!

Its official. This is Montez's world and we're all just NPCs.

9:23 pm

Like Montez said, an impromptu party broke out in the villa which only means one thing. Thats right! Our alcohol bill is getting even higher! If you'd like to support the cause, we'd kindly appreciate if you donate to our Gofundme. Taking care of these stupid idiots isnt cheap.

Sasha was seen downing a tequila shot.

"I needed that."she said when she was done.

VC-Sasha-A party is just what we need because I need to de-stress. After losing Indi and Ric and then hearing all those ridiculous comments about me and Seth-hell yes, I need the alcohol and I need my man to help me relax. I just want to forget about everything and enjoy our last few days here.

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