Everything Ends: The End

Start from the beginning

"S-stay back! I'm warning you, I'm crazy!" Casey rattled out, back against the wall. There were far too many for him to face alone, and with just a hockey stick by his side? It would be impossible for him to come out unscathed. The Kraang monsters continued in on their approach, the green eyes of Casey's mask bouncing from one creature to another, "I swear I'm crazy, who knows what I'll do next? Have you even met my mom? She's crazier than me!"

But the beasts didn't care, they just growled and snarled, claws ready to pounce. Casey released a small whimper, clutching his hockey stick with all his strength. He sent a fleeting glance to the key perched high up on the tallest building in all of New York, a sense of disappointment flooding his bones.


A swift kick to the head here and a mighty punch to the chest there. After a few minutes of commotion, Casey was finally able to see the peeking heads of you and April, fighting the crowds and boosting his morale. Wide eyes soon turned into determined ones, and once more, Casey gripped his hockey stick with purpose and scrambled to help you.

You marvelled at how well you all worked together as a team when, essentially, you had no prior training together. April would whack a foe into confusion, then you'd come in and offer some painful punches and fleeting kicks anywhere you could land, and finally, Casey would come in for the final blow.

Once enough of the mob was down, you turned to Casey with hopeful eyes, "You need to go!" he nodded his head along, but with the crowds getting right back up, his lip began to tremble. You recognised that face, it was the same expression Leo gave you whenever he was worried about you. He had a different one for every Hamato Clan member: Raph's was a furrowed brow while Donnie's was a jutted lip, Mikey was given puppy dog eyes and Splinter a hand on his hip.

But when it came to you, Leo's whole face changed. His lips would go flat, dipped at the ends in a small frown. His brows would lift enough to give him creases, but his eyes...his eyes were always what gave him away. They'd go big and shaky, he always looked like he was on the verge of tears. Battling his inner demons, begging them to let him stay with you but knowing he had to go off and do superhero shit.

Perhaps with Casey looking up to Leo like a father figure, he might have learnt a few things.

In a much calmer voice, you gave him a warm smile, "Go, we've got this." He fled the scene quickly after that, putting his trust in you and hopefully he wouldn't regret leaving you to fight these creatures alone. You turned back to see April riding one of the varmints, screaming and raising her metal pole in the air; you would have been impressed if you weren't back immediately into the action.


Wind flew past Donnie's ears, his limbs falling slack and yet, he felt as light as a feather. But the overwhelming feeling of gravity pushing down on his chest startled him awake, only to realise he was in the air and falling fast. Hysteria settled in, perhaps a panic attack; he used to be prone to them when he was younger but he thought it was a phase he grew out of.

An unconscious Mikey drifted past him, although Mikey was a lighter build compared to himself, the youngest brother was dropping quicker. Donnie tried getting closer to the box turtle, eventually landing on swimming toward him, not his finest moment. But it worked. Grabbing onto Mikey's arm, Donnie pulled him tight against his chest, conjuring all his ninpo energy into protecting them both.

Purple formed around them, a hard barrier that in theory should save them a few broken bones and in the worst-case scenario, death. Donnie could see the ground getting closer, soon there would be an impact and he'd see if he was strong enough to protect not only himself but his brother, who he cared deeply for.

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