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Your pov

We all just finished lunch and currently, Yoongi and I were in our room.

I was sitting in front of the closet and arranging all my things while Yoongi was sitting on the edge of the bed while checking some files.

"Yoonie" I called and he looked up at me while humming. "Do I look like an uncooked potato?" I asked while pouting a little.

"You're beautiful, baby" he said while signalling me to come closer to him.

'Did he just call me 'baby'?'

I went and sat beside him on the bed as he wrapped an arm around my waist.

"But Taehyung said that I look like an uncooked potato" I stated and pouted while laying back on the bed as I moved closer to the pillow and laid my head there, and Yoongi did the same.

He pulled me on top of him and I laid my head on his chest. My whole body was resting on top of him.

"Don't listen to that alien" he said while stroking my hair. "You're the most beautiful person ever for me. No one can replace you" he said and kissed my head.

"Thank you" I mumbled while wiping my invisible tears and buried my face in the crook of his neck.

"Now let's sleep until dinner" he said and I chuckled while closing my eyes like he did.

But poor files. They were on the floor now.

Preparing dinner~

"No no, you have to rinse it again" ajumma said and I nodded while doing so again.

Yoongi stood and watched me while leaning his back on the kitchen counter, his arms crossed over his chest.

After a few minutes, I gave up rinsing the intestines and decided to cut the onions.

"Why is this not working?" I asked as I continuously tried to cut the onions, bud didn't succeed.

Just then, I felt two arms wrap around my waist.

Yoongi rested his chin on my shoulder and held my hands from behind.

Yoongi rested his chin on my shoulder and held my hands from behind

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