06| The Remains of the 'A'

Start from the beginning

Spencer stared at Hanna in awe. "Whoa. What happened to the girl who wouldn't get out of her sweats?" She wondered. Reaching into her back for a notepad and pen, Spencer raised an eyebrow in questioning.

Hanna threw a glare Spencer's way as she replied, "She traded them in for fatigues." Hanna took the notepad and pen from Spencer. "I'll write it."

"Are you sure you know how?"

"Yes. I've been forging my mom's signature since seventh grade in P.E." Hanna replied.

Nodding, Ivy glanced back at Spencer. "She has. I've got her to sign a couple of letters to teachers when I forgot my homework." She informed.

Within a couple of seconds, Hanna had fully replicated the handwriting and changed the message completely. She turned the page around, for the girls, letting them gape at it.

"Wow. This is really good." Spencer said.

A smile slowly rose on Ivy's face. "I told you."

Checking to see that the cost was clear, Hanna then snatched the note out Spencer's hands, and ordered, "Yell if you see anyone, all right?"

"Are you sure that you want to do it?" Spencer stared at her with uneasiness.

"This "A" broke me and Caleb up, do you understand? They're gonna have to pay for that." Without a second thought, Hanna spun around and headed in the direction of Mrs Reynolds' room.

"I have a feeling this is gonna go wrong."

Spencer nodded. "Yep."

The two waited patiently outside the room, pretending to be using the vending machine that was nearby, as they subtly glanced over at the door.

Ivy was about to yell out profanities at the machine when her snack got stuck, but she was interrupted by a voice over the speakers, that notified, "Blue team to I.C.U. Blue team to I.C.U."

Spencer and Ivy's stunned gazes met, both of them beginning to panic, worried for their friend that was about to be caught at any minute.

Thankfully, Hanna swiftly left the room, running towards the girls and whispering, "Go! Go! Go go go! Come on!"

Spencer grabbed Ivy's arm, as Hanna dragged her off. "Leave your snack."


"Do you understand?"


Spencer sighed, checking her mirrors, so she could park her car. Ivy had gotten a phone call when she arrived home, and it was Spencer, who told the girl that she was coming to pick her up, and that she would explain the situation on the way.

After Ivy had climbed in the car, Spencer had began to explain their situation. Although she was talking so fast that Ivy didn't really comprehend what she was saying.

Turning off her car, Spencer spun to the girl in the passenger seat. "I'll explain it better." She stated, earning a nod from Ivy. "So, we are going to meet Jason - your boyfriend."

Ivy rolled her eyes. "Yeah, I know that. Thanks for stating the obvious, Spencer."

Spencer held a finger up to silence her. "I wasn't finished yet. We are going to talk to him." Spencer began.

"About what?"

"I'm about to get to that part." Spencer replied. "We're going to talk to him about Garrett's case. He's the victim's family. He's gonna know a lot more than we will."

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