Chapter 53

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My girl.

My sweet girl was standing next to this man as his watchful guard dog. She was focused on me as I was on her. Almost as if everything else was washed away and muffled.

It was only two of us in this room. I didn't hear what that asshole was saying, it didn't matter.

If only I could reach her and hug her. If only my ears weren't buzzing from the blood pressure.

In a moment, she changed from this grown-up to that small girl that I left behind that day, and Alin shifted into the bodyguard from that day.

I jumped...

"You wouldn't want to kill your own daughter Margaret now would you? " Alin threatened.

Maryam's eyes widened, eyes mildly agape from the revelation.

"Let her go, you monster. "

"But she is free Margaret! You see, I succeeded in saving her that night, from those bounty hunters where you failed. "

He caressed her hair as a father would to his daughter.

"Is this true Margaret? "

A lump formed in my throat, and I couldn't speak. Instead, I went after Alin with the sole intent to kill. She cut in front of me, hitting me in the stomach hard.

But I was not about to be defeated.

"Kill her. " Said Alin.

Each one of Maryam's punches was restrained, but when they did hit, they hurt just as if they were not. Ace tried to jump to my rescue, but his hands were restrained by Jett's crew.

I couldn't plant a single hit, nor have I tried. Cutting off my hand would be a better option rather than hitting her.

Holding out was the only thing that I said myself I would do.

„Why don't you give up?"

She asked, never stopping her punches.

„Why are you not fighting me back ?"

Another question, but this time I will provide an answer to it.

„How can I hurt my little girl?" I said with strain.

That angered her, and she started to be more vicious with her strikes.

„That same foolishness will cost you."

„So be it." I smiled, but the air was quickly taken out by the strong strike into my abdomen, and I fell down to the ground.

„Fight back!" She said, kicking me on the ground.

„Fight back!" Maryam repeated.

She fell to her knees now, strangling me.

„Please fight back!" Tears were now swelling up in her eyes, glistening, grip tightening.

I have been dancing with death for too long now, and it was time for the music to stop.

With the remaining strength, I reached out to her cheek and caressed it. She winced a bit at that, loosening her grip.

She fell on my chest, crying into the depths of mountains that were my ribs, her desperation now echoing in the valley.

I draped my hands around her into a loving grip, imagining them as a curtain that would hide her from whatever troubles of the world come her way.

My little girl was in pain, and it replaced all of the hurt from our battle, as her pain was mine now.

„Shhh." I tried soothing her, gently caressing her back. „I love you my dove."

She cried and so did I until our eyes had no more tears to shed.

" Haven't you forgotten Maryam how she abandoned you? " Alin spoke.

"Have you forgotten that I was the one caring for you all of these years? "

Maryam stiffened under my grasp.

"Aren't you angry that your own mother abandoned you? If it were me, I would be quite angry "

"Maryam... don't listen to him. Please give me a chance to explain... "

She pressed something sharp into my gut, and Ace let out a scream.

 "Margaret!! "

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