Chapter 40

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For the first time in a long while, I cried. I wanted to just sit and cry with my brother. Years weren't kind to him, and I wished that I could just touch each of his gray hair and make it go away. Wrinkles underneath his eyes were etched in his skin like a river basin, and they made me wonder how many times a stream of tears slithered its way through the crevices.  We finally looked at each other and pressed their foreheads together, Jacob grabbing my hair in a loving squeeze.

„You have no idea how much I have missed you, brother," Jacob spoke to me, but for some reason, they were referring to him as Jett.

„Not a day went by that I didn't think of you and Jett? What's that about?"

„It's a long story, come now brother, we have a lot to catch up on," Jett replied while he patted me on my back.

„Before we do, I would like you to meet my friend. This is Margaret."

„Hi, Jett, nice to meet you."

The rest of the group kept watching stunned as if they couldn't really grasp what was happening.

„Hey uh.. Anne... I am a bit slow. Do you mind telling me what just happened?"

She slapped him once again.

„Tsk. Woman, I only...."

„Shut up Sez. Cant, you see that you are ruining a perfect moment with each word you speak?"

As we were walking, everyone greeted Jett, but they didn't hide their curiosity toward me or Margaret. She didn't seem to be phased at all by their stares, she held her head up high and walked confidently next to me. 

After a while, we entered something like a nightclub, and as soon as we entered people started cheering my brother's name, but when they saw us they went eerily quiet.

"You seem quite popular here."

"Everybody knows everyone here. Please." He pointed out to an empty table and we sat down, and people didn't stop staring at us.

"What is this? A funeral? Let me hear some tune!"

All of a sudden, everything fell back to normal. It seemed that he was quite powerful and respected.

"So dear brother, what brings you here?"
He leaned into the chair and took out a cigarette pack, which he offered to me and Margaret. We both took one. "

„It's a long story."

„Well, time is what we got." I laughed it off.

"I was running from the hunters," Margaret spoke first, then his gaze shifted towards her.

"That doesn't explain why both of you were there." Raising his eyebrow, he refocused his gaze on me.

"That's right, however, he was there accidentally when the bounty hunters were after me. He was merely dropping me off from work, and they couldn't take the risk of having witnesses, so Juht offered his help to bring us here."

A quick lie, but I decided not to correct her. She had her reason why she told half of the truth. To an untrained eye, or should I say ear, she was confident in what she was saying, but I knew that high-pitched voice. I only hoped that they didn't spot that too. 

But when I took a closer look at her, her gaze was darkened and focused. She looked at him like when she was looking at me when we first met.

Cautious and alert.

" I see." He didn't press more about it, but something told me that he didn't really trust her fully.

"Well in any case, please feel free to come with me tonight."

"I wouldn't want to burden you, and besides, I am sure that Margaret would need her rest and her privacy."

She nodded in agreement.

"Oh what a gentleman you are! If only all of my friends in the world cared as you do!"

He shoot her a knowing look and smirked.

"Very well, I own this place and there are rooms above the club. I would like for you to rest tonight, and tomorrow, we can talk more and catch up."

He waved a hand, and in a blink of an eye, I had three women standing behind me and caressing me.

"Ladies I would like for you to take care of my brother, as you do for me."

They giggled and wanted to whisper in my ear but I raised my hand.

"Thank you, Jett, but I am too tired, and thank you for your hospitality. I honestly wouldn't want to burden you, besides I have nothing to pay you with."

"Pay? Oh, you mean the credits? No, we don't use that currency here, and I would never allow my brother to pay, especially if he is in need."

I realized I had no choice because it was either that or sleeping on the streets. I was exhausted, and I could only imagine how strained Margaret was.

"I will repay you, somehow. I will figure it out."

I didn't even finish my sentence when a pair came inside first and behind them a small group of citizens.

"Jett, I need to talk to you right now."

"Can't it wait?"


The man punched the table.

"I will speak to you now, and I want all of these people to be our witnesses. We have had enough of your promises of changing the child per-couple policy to fuck-all-you-want-and-pop-kids-like-rabbits policy!"

Clearly uncomfortable, Jett cleared his throat.

"You know it's not up to me.."
"Then why did you promise us that? And GOD knows we are drowning in trash from Rintalis. We have had enough; we want changes and we want it now."

"I am sick and tired of being scared to death if one day I get pregnant in case of contraceptives failing and having to abort my babies. I want a big family and I KNOW that we have nowhere to build property anymore." -One of the women spoke.
"And my house is practically used for the landfill. Jett, we can't live like this anymore." The first man spoke.

"Fine! I will see what I can do with the mayor. Please be patient."

That seemed to pacify the people, and they started dispersing.

"You have until tomorrow to figure it out."
Ominous warning, but Jett came back to himself.

"My apologies, please, make yourself comfortable. My house is your house."

We climbed up to the staircase, and there was a long hallway with about 10 rooms, 5 doors on each side.

"I think these two are unoccupied, so I trust that Margaret will have enough privacy. Good night!"

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