Chapter 45

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A small victory that bought us another day.

True to his word, Jett has let us be, and we were rejoicing in our hidden celebration in our room.

„Alright, well I suppose we should have something to eat."

We walked a bit through Adamo, and it was interesting how another completely separate world could exist like this just underground. There were people of all kinds and beautiful skin tones. They wore various colorful attires, shapes, and designs completely unknown to me.

There were also...animals? Birds I haven't seen in a while were now flying over my head.

„How is this possible?" Ace said

„Apparently, they have systems in place to replicate all of the things you can have outside, is it being done I have no clue," I replied.


The beautiful smell of grilled meat caressed my nostrils. I turned to see something like a bistro, and people were smiling, laughing, and chatting loudly. It seemed unreal.

Beautiful italics writings describing their menus for today and specials. Some dishes I have never heard of, and I truly wondered how did they source out meat? Well-lit, and decorated with colorful flower patterns, small windows and the red brick of the bistro really gave it a rustical impression.

I haven't seen anything like this before.

„Let's eat here." Ace spoke, and I was happy to listen.
We sat down next to each other on a sofa, and a human waiter came to us cheerful and smiling.

„What can I get you for today?"

As we were reading through the menus, I remembered solemnly. We cannot pay for this.

„Ace..we have to go. We don't have any money."

Just as we were getting ready to get going, the waiter smiled and stopped us.

„Nonsense. You are Jett's crew! It's on the house!"

Well, isn't that bloody convenient.

I didn't want to protest or clarify, because that was how hungry I was, and it seemed that Ace had the same opinion.

„Alright I will have just this steak."

„Same as her."

„Coming right up!"

He twirled on his steps, and I couldn't remember really when was the last time I met someone like that.

„Goddamn, we are so lucky." I sighed.

"You got that right. I didn't really know it would work, but it's obvious that Jett has a public image that he needs to take care of, so I suppose that was a good card to play at."

„You were really amazing back there you know." His admiring gaze made me blush furiously, so I tried to hide it with my hands.

„It was your plan."

„Yeah but the part with the electronics...that was improvised. You had him in a chokehold. I am impressed." I could get used to his praises.

„I know right" I chuckled.

We shared a moment in silence, observing the room when a figure with a cape came with a bag of flowers at that point.

„A rose for the lady?"

„I wish to buy a whole bunch, but I don't have any money old man." Deflated, Ace said.

„Too bad." And he walked away.

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