Chapter 10

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I smiled at the manager, tucking one hand behind, aiming the poison at the remaining glass drinking cup.  

"We are already having a 4-person party in the VIP area. Surely, we shouldn't keep them waiting. "

Needing to justify the expensive glass on my tray I explained.

His eyes went wide. 

"Goddamn. Already?"

He stormed outside of the kitchen, and I followed right behind him, after which I slowly separated myself from him so he could lose me should he return, inconspicuously walking out through the backdoor. 

I threw all the black glasses into the garbage and returned the uniform to the unconscious worker behind it. Thankfully, it will be a good two hours before she awakens. I gave her a strong, but small dosage of sedative when I found her throwing garbage just before I went into the ducts. 

So, I donned my long straight jet black wig with bangs to hide my eyebrows, took off my fake nose and blue contacts, and changed into a black flowy dress.

Blending into the crowd, finally, Ace showed up, and his presence immediately triggered me to remind myself of the arsenal of poison in my bag, together with various syringes, and two daggers under my skirt. The crowd made way for him and a beautiful blonde woman at his arm. He was dressed in an indigo blue suit, while she was in a purple tight dress, carving her fit body. I noticed the shifted hand placement from her being wrapped up around his arm, to his hand being set on her lower back. 

Ace and this woman looked truly like something out of a fashion magazine. Both of them were smiling gently at each other with their flawless set of teeth and picture-perfect posture. For a moment, I wondered what it was like to be a part of their world. Was there ever loneliness present in their lives, or worry, or dare I say it, insecurity?

The light enhanced their enviable figures, Ace's broad shoulders, her tight behind, and her slick long ponytail. Was everyone as entranced as I was, or maybe it was just me being deer in front of the headlights?

Snapping out of the daze, prompting myself to stay out of sight, I and the now silent crowd all watched the perfect pair making their way into the VIP area.

The people inside started clapping for the couple, and by cue, the singer went on the stage. Perhaps they too were hypnotized, and maybe we are all just animals, distracted by shiny things. Fools clapping with joy, as if they were feeling lucky for the fact the couple decided to grace us with their presence. We were all jesters, and they were royalty.

The VIP area was not invisible, as the thin mosaic glass was separating it from the rest of the area, however, it did have an opening toward the stage. 

My device vibrated with a message. 

"Dear Miss Pamotia, 

We are delighted to extend you the opportunity of working in the position of Assistant at Sierra tech......"

And to make it worse, this is the second reminder in two hours that I received this message. Genuinely surprised, I turned off the device in fear that someone will see it, and perhaps start questioning me about it, fully aware that it was my own paranoia settling in. 


I could hear the manager yelling from behind. 



No... that was impossible, I was sure I counted them all. A sense of dread came over me. 

Exasperated, the manager yelled at the bartender. "Fuck it, what matters is that we have for those two, the rest we will serve in plain glass."

Surely enough, the waiter out the remaining two glasses and made his way towards the VIP area. What the hell do I do now? I had to think, but the time was running out. I am about to possibly kill an innocent woman but if I am lucky, Ace will take a poisoned glass one.

Can I afford to take my chances? 

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