Chapter (2): Lonesome Heart

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Small feet got out of the bed with a pink stuffed giraffe being towed carelessly on the floor, moping it all the way. The door creaked as it got opened slowly with a little hand and footsteps were headed to the white wave bed in the center of the room.

A sleeping figure on the bed, opened an eye to sneak on the golden locks, on the petite creature that was invading the room at 8:30 AM in morning. A smile drew across the face of the sleeping woman when the tiny head walked around the bed.

A soft finger got raised and touched the sleeping form's nose and smiled at the contact then moved it to the cheeks and pressed the finger on it repeatedly, giggling softly.

"Wake up." said the petite girl.

She touched the nose again and the figure woke up with wide eyes, startling the child. "HAAAAAA!"

The little girl screamed in surprise pulling back a little as she clutched to her stuffed animal protectively. The adult grabbed her from the waist and pulled her up on the bed with her swiftly as they shared a morning laugh.

"Whatcha doing up so early, huh?" She tickled the 5 years-old girl who giggled in return.

"Mommy, stop!"

"You touched my nose and cheek. You think the monster didn't know?"

"I did!" She giggled again, throwing her back at the tickles. "Good... morning... mommy!" She managed to say between her giggles.

The adult stopped and smiled at her daughter as she let her sit upright on the bed. "Good morning, Freya." She kissed her cheek. "Now that you're up early, you wanna have breakfast?"

"Yes! May I have pancakes?"

She chuckled at her cuteness and manners as she acted like an elegant lady. "You may, my little princess." She carried Freya and let her sit on her lap. "Go to the kitchen and be a good girl while I take my shower, okay?" She nodded. "And aunt Hanna is coming over, so open the door for her when she gives you the signal, which is...?"

"Three rings and one knock!"

"Yes! You're excellent." She kissed her cheek again. "Go."

Freya hopped out of the bed, dragging her stuffed giraffe with her out of the room while the mom got out of the bed and headed for her morning shower.


Twenty Minutes later, she emerged from the shower and got dressed in her Gym clothes; sleeveless black hoodie, grey shorts and white sneakers. She went downstairs while adjusting her clothes and saw Freya waiting like a good girl for her breakfast but heard her laugh at something or someone.

She smiled as the person she was expecting appeared in the kitchen, holding two tomatoes and raising them above her head, like ears.

"Grow up, Hanna." said Adrienne as she walked inside the kitchen.

"Hey! Look who finally showed up! I was just having fun with my niece."

"With tomatoes? Really?"

"Yeah!" said Hanna throwing one of the tomatoes up in the air before catching it.

"Oh boy, I think I'm gonna take these from you..." She took the tomatoes from her. "And wash them. Twice."

Freya laughed at her mom and Hanna as she hit her on the chest playfully.

"Adrienne Jones you're the antonym of fun." said Hanna, taking a seat beside Freya who kept her smile the whole time.

"My daughter just laughed at me, so she proved you wrong." she shrugged her shoulders and smirked at her sister. "I'm fun, right Freya?"

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