Their final sunday

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Apparating with a baby wasn't as hard as they thought, as they landed in the cottage Harry let out a little squeal of delight, his chubby hands clapping together in amusement. 

They entered the cottage and Regulus lit a fire as Delilah kept staring down at Harry. His fingers entwined with her hair and maybe it soothed him, reminded him of his mother, who she looked so much like. 

"What do we do now?" Delilah stroked his forehead, her thumb running over the slight red scar as Harry twisted away from her as she did so. 

"First, we find out what that scar means. We know why Voldemort wanted him, but this scar? It's magic I've never seen before."

"He is something I've never seen before." They both stared down at the baby sleeping softly in her arms, "We will do right by him Regulus, whatever it takes."

"I promise Delilah, no harm will come to him. With my dying breath, I will protect him. And you." They lock eyes and a gentle kiss passes between them. It wasn't just them anymore, it was the future of the wizarding world and they would do whatever they had to to make sure Harry didn't suffer the same fates they had.


Over the months, the home filled with books, books of foreign magic, searching for something to tell them more. But the house also filled with more laughter, it filled with giggles and late nights and early mornings and two very tired wizards. 

"I don't know how he finds that comfortable." They lied in bed on a quiet Sunday morning, Harry laying sprawled across Regulus' stomach and legs,.

"You used to love lying like this." Regulus smiles as Harry nuzzles further into him. Light snores left his lips as Delilah grinned, before turning another page in the book of dark magic they 'borrowed.' 

Until Delilah's head began to pound, like something trying to worm its way back in. It had done this since she had been separated from the Horcrux, but it had never felt this intense since Harry- 


"Yes darling?" 

"What if he's a Horcrux."

"What?" Regulus looked down protectively at the dozing Harry. 

"When I wore the locket, I felt like I was apart of Voldemort, I felt like he was always with me, and I haven't felt like that since Hary. But now, sometimes when I hold him, it feels like Voldemort is standing right behind me, waiting to claw his way back into my head." 

"But the locket is gone-"

"It's hidden. The magic in that was something so powerful, I felt like I never wanted to be parted from it. I felt so protective of it, like I might die for it." 

"That's how I feel around him." They both looked down at Harry, the scar burning brighter than ever, this helpless child, marked with the sign of death.

"It can't be. Delilah I- I don't know how to fix this." 

Suddenly the air around them began to prickle, and warp, like that of Apparation. 

"Kreacher?" They looked at one another, reaching for their wands in case of unwanted visitors. But lowered them as Kreacher's face peered up from the foot of the bed. 

"Master, Miss." He bowed low, but Regulus saw the pain. 

"Kreacher, what has happened to you? You look close to death's door."

"I have seen death Master. I have tasted it."

"What do you mean Kreacher?" 

"The locket, I have found it. We must destroy it before it-" Kreacher fell to the ground in agony, a whimpering noise as they both rose to their feet to help him, but Kreacher cowered from Regulus as he approached, holding Harry close to his chest. "HE'S HERE!" 

"Who Kreacher?" Delilah tried to soothe him, casting a numbing spell across him. 

"The Dark Lord."

"Where Kreacher?" Slowly, the elf pointed to Regulus, his eyes lingering on the baby.

"He is doomed." 

And those words, confirmed everything she had ever feared as her heart sank in her chest, it wasn't just a scar Harry had, it was a piece of Voldemort living inside him. 

"Take us to the locket Kreacher, please."


"we will destroy it Kreacher, I promise." With the gentle eyes of his Master looking down on him, Kreacher slowly nodded, but if Delilah knew what was lying ahead, she would've stayed in bed and protected their little world for as long as possible. 

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