That'll be the day

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"We're playing Monopoly." Sirius stood in the doorway, watching his little brother seclude himself away.

Watching him huddled on Delilah's bed with a book reminded him of all those evenings they spent as children, reading under sheets by wand light.

"I'll pass."

"It would make Delilah happy."

"You don't know what would make her happy."

"I know you do." Sirius stuffed his hands in his pockets as Regulus mulled over the words, "I know seeing you smile makes her infinitely happy. What do you think she spent her summer trying to do? Those letters weren't to make her feel better, they were to give you a piece of her in that place."

"Sirius, do not start on me with that shit."

"But it's not shit! You never replied! You never even opened-" Regulus stormed over to his brother, snatching his trunk open, flinging his clothes out until a stack of paper held together by a string was flourished in his hand.

Regulus had fury on his face, but he held the letters so gently, like it were her hand in his.

"I could recite every single one. Word for fucking word. I know what is in these letters better than she does. I didn't reply because I couldn't. Because whilst you were all playing happy families, I, dearest brother, I was-" Sirius waited for him, but Sirius was the enemy, he was the rebellion "I was doing everything I could to keep our pathetic excuse of a family together."

"So stop trying Regulus. Look at Delilah for Merlin's sake, she is your family, I am your family. Blood doesn't mean you're automatically family, you have to earn that privilege." Blood.

The body fluid in humans and other animals that delivers necessary substances to the cells. Nowhere in the definition is the mention of status. How could one liquid be of a higher value than another? How could blood be given a title, a ranking. How could blood, dictate a war.

"I can't change your prejudices over night, nor can I make everything they've brainwashed you with disappear. But I can tell you that you need to enjoy life like this whilst it lasts." Sirius disappeared down the stairs, his breath caught in his throat until he hears the stairs creak under the weight of Regulus.

"Don't think this means anything. That I'm listening to your advice."

Sirius nods curtly dislodging the stuck breath, he smiles at his feet continuing down the stairs.

Everyone is sat crossed-legged on the floor with the game laid out in front of them when he enters, Delilah's heart lit up with hope when she saw him, he waited for her permission. This was her territory and he wasn't moving another foot without the Ravenclaws say so, with a simple tilt of her head, he's by her side, crossing his legs, he looks like a child. They all did, they were all just children, barely holding on. Fighting every second to breathe another day, and as they all sat around the board, there was the silent pact, the silent knowledge that they may never get a day like this again.

The deadly silence of people who know death was lurking just outside their door. One day the Marauders would be no more.

One day, James' glasses would lie crooked on his face as he stared blankly at the ceiling, all because he left his wand on the sofa, thinking foolishly for a second they were safe.

One day, Lily would be screaming and throwing herself in front of a baby who had no business being the Chosen One.

One day, Sirius would be bound by chains of incarceration.

One day, Remus would be howling up at the moon, his insides burning, because he was the one left behind.

One day, Peter would be cowering, begging for forgiveness he didn't deserve.

The Chain|Regulus BlackWhere stories live. Discover now