Bad idea

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It was a bad idea. 

He recognises that as Voldemort's wand tucks under Delilah's chin, forcing her to her feet. That poisonous yew wood digging into her skin, bringing her standing as he watches her in an almost bored expression. 

There's the crack of apparating behind him, the others followed shortly after, if it weren't for the dead silence, Evelyn's short gasp wouldn't have been heard as she saw the sight before her. Delilah staring death in the eye as Death Eaters surround them, grins on their face, ready to hear a mudblood scream for mercy. 

But they didn't know her as he did, they didn't know that the only time she screamed was when she was under him. 

Clearing his throat, Regulus stepped forward in the silence, the floorboards creaking underneath him. Voldemort's eyes never once shifted from Delilah, not once did she wince as his wand dug further into her throat, she didn't flinch as he rose his hand, warding off his Death Eater's. They waited patiently as whatever was happening played out, perhaps they were in a silent war, but in those minutes they glared at each other, Voldemort looked more like Tom Riddle than Regulus had ever seen him. 

When his gaze finally fell to Regulus, a chill ran through him, like Voldemort now somehow looked younger, juvenile. Like a mischievous adolescent schoolboy simply waiting for his next conquest. 

"And how long will our guest be staying?" Voldemort questions slowly, his eyes drifting back to Delilah and she feels nothing but hatred. Nothing but rage stirring in her stomach, pulsating through her, her fingers curling around her wand until his lips curl into a smile. "How very brave of you. Or perhaps it's stupid." 

"I always thought they were one and the same." Delilah spat back, and no one is truly sure how it happened, but one moment, Voldemort's wand was poised he was on the attack until Delilah has her wand to his throat, her arm wrapped around his neck, keeping him pressed against her as she backed into a corner. 

"No!" Bellatrix shrieked, if it weren't for how Delilah was holding Voldemort, his deranged cousin would Crucio her then and there. 

"Tell them to lower their wands. I just want to leave, you seem to be the only one that will make that happen." Delilah spoke lowly, but as she said it, her eyes wandered to Regulus. Part of her was screaming to leave, to run as far as she fucking could until her lungs burned for air. But there was something, like the flicker of light in the darkness, beckoning her to stay. 

That flicker growing as the Death Eater's backed off, yet Regulus stayed close, and the more he looks at her, the more her heart settles, the less her skin crawls at the proximity with Voldemort and for one sickening second, she isn't repulsed. 

In this second, she doesn't notice Evan shifting behind her, doesn't catch the look between Regulus and Evan as she threatens Voldemort, threatens to bring them all down on their fucking knees. But as the stunning spell hits her, she's the only one toppling, the only one sinking into Voldemort's arms. 


"I know you're stupid, but I didn't think you were this fucking stupid." Evan sighs, glancing over Regulus' shoulder at Delilah's slumped figure on the bed. "Why would you do this Regulus? First, you try to kill her and now you bring her into the snake's den and serve her on a silver fucking platter." 

Regulus looks back at her, he can't shake the way she looked at him. Like a stranger, like she was looking straight through him, but as his fingers brush against his lips, he remembers kissing her, that was still the same. And that filled him with hope and fury. 

"She doesn't know who I am Evan."

"Like in a spiritual way?"

"No." Regulus softly chuckles "As in, she doesn't remember us. Delilah Evans doesn't remember what we were together." 

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