Gotta have faith

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"You owe me asshole." Zenith panted, his hands on his knees holding him up. "Shit Juliette runs fast."

"Thank you." Regulus tossed him a pack of cigarettes before sitting opposite Zenith on the floor.

"So, why'd you make me break the girls heart?"

"Because if you didn't it would have been me. And I'm too self absorbed to do that to her."

"But you love her?" Zenith lit the cigarette, inhaling like it was fresh air.

"Exactly. That's the worse kind of heart break."

"Jesus Regulus will you stop talking all poetic and shit! Just put it how it is!" Regulus snatched back the cigarette.

"I fell in love with. No, correction, I dove into love with her. Falling implies you don't think there will be a landing, diving implies you know that you'll crash into something. I dived right into loving my best friend, knowing I was to be a Death Eater. I willingly signed a contract to get my heart broken." Zenith scoffed

"exactly my point! I think I surprised myself when I felt it first. Zenith, she-she's the sun." Regulus gestured to the window, the golden sun setting across London. "Everything I do orbits around her to protect her and then I had to go and love Delilah. Being her friend was daunting enough. But then she just kept smiling and doing all that shit that makes people love one another. Zenith I thought I was having a fucking heart attack when I felt like that!" Running his hands through his hair, Regulus's heart mimicked the feeling, causing him to sigh, every time he saw her he thought his heart might give out and he'd drop dead.

"I don't know what 'love' feels like, shit I thought I was having a heart attack and brain haemorrhage all in one! It was scary, loving her. It's scary not being able to love her too, but I know she feels me in everything. Every day it's like she's still there, her touch just lingering over me. But I'll kill her Zenith, I know I will. I'll end up ruining the one good thing I have because I think it's protecting her. So yes, I got you to let her down so I didn't have to. So I can pretend we still have a shot."

Zenith stared at his friend with distaste, his mouth almost chewing over his words before he threw his slipper at Regulus.

"You need to pick your heart up off the floor and have a little fucking faith in the universe that it will have your back. You don't think I'm in love? I know I'm a whore, but there's someone back home waiting for me, and fuck me it hurt to tell them goodbye. Yet I still write to them, I still make sure they know I love them. And yes, I'm a Death Eater and it's all quite shitty but how can I swear off love just because I'm afraid. If I let my fears dictate everything I did, Regulus I wouldn't leave my room. You have to have faith. Because I won't stop loving them, hearts don't work like that unfortunately. You can try to forget her as much as you want but every moment there will be something reminding you of Delilah and the walls you're constructing?" Zenith mimed an explosion "boom. And it'll hurt, it'll hurt more than if you just let yourself 'dive' into this love with her."

"Did you just quote a muggle song at me?"

"Yes. If you have a problem with it shove your head up your ass for a hat. It'll suit the rest of your ensemble."

"Have faith?"

"Have faith Regulus. Don't you think that's all that Delilah is holding onto too?"


"Delilah I'm not telling you again! The train leaves at 11! It is currently 10:30-"

"And we have plenty of time." James jumped down the stairs silencing Lily with a kiss.

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