A guest

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Hogsmead looked nothing like what he remembered when they were through with it. The banners that lined the shops lie dirty and torn in the streets, people's items scattered the streets in their attempts to run. 

But there was one shop still standing, one shop he simply couldn't bring himself to tear down. Bows and Belles book shop. That still stood firmly, glaring back at him as he glanced at the untouched book displays. 

"Not this one." he had commanded the Death Eaters, they looked at him puzzled but swiftly moved past it, searching for the dark artefacts they came for. 

"Why exactly has He got us raiding antique shops? Looking for some new furniture?" 

"Do you ever shut the fuck up?" Evan sighed, wiping dirt and sweat from his brow. 

There was a scream a few shops across that had them all sprinting towards it, there they found Evelyn shaking her head staring at the side of a shop wall. 


"Look! Look how ugly they made my nose!" She shrieked, pointing to the wanted posters of their faces plastered across this wall. From top to bottom their own eyes stared back at them, blinking but unseeing. "Oh Merlin, of course, they made Leo look utterly gorgeous and I look like a troll!" 

"Come on darling you look beautiful." Leo pulled her close, rolling his eyes as she tucked her head under his chin. Zenith, however, looked over the moon as he began peeling off some of the posters. 

"What are you doing?" Alec groaned. 

"Decorate my room. And what better way to do it than with my own face! And you lots too I suppose." Carefully, he rolled the posters up, placing them in the bag with the artefacts they had been sent to collect. 

"Come on, we're going." Regulus gestured back towards the port key, but his eyes still remained on his own face. Had he really changed that much?

"Yeah, I don't think we are." Evan countered. 

"And why is that?" Yet, turning to the port key, he saw exactly why. The Order stood surrounding the Port Key, spells blazing in their direction, Regulus had enough time to shove Evan to the side as a Stupefy aimed right for their heads. 

"Fucking Merlin's balls!" 

"Why can't they leave us alone!" Leo shouted over the sound of crumbling rumble. 

"That's rhetorical right?" Evelyn snapped back, peeping over the wall they found refuge behind, her eyes glanced over the precariously toppled building, which hypothetically if it were to fall, would crush the Order immediately. 

"Go." Regulus nodded at her and off she went skipping down the back alleys as the boys created a diversion, sliding off into separate directions. "Don't lose the artefacts!" 

"This isn't our first rodeo!" 

"Black keep in formation!" Regulus heard the thunderous voice of Alaster Moody as he almost smiled at his brother's truancy. But Regulus could hear his footsteps getting closer to where he was hidden, and something in him decided he didn't fancy hiding anymore, rolling up his sleeves, he took a deep breath before stepping out in front of his brother. 


"Seems you've been looking for me." Regulus gestured to his wanted poster "You could have picked a more flattering picture." 

"I knew that one would piss you off." 

"Indeed it has." And with the small chit chat out the way, it only left one thing to do "So, are you going to fire first or am I?"

The Chain|Regulus BlackWhere stories live. Discover now