Chin Up Buttercup

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The night of the Winter Ball had approached and Delilah couldn't conceal her excitement, which in turn enthralled Regulus. Watching her stomp around the castle with a grin on her face made it difficult to compose his usual sinister countenance. In fact, he, unfortunately, found himself frequently randomly smiling during the day, even nodding to his brother at breakfast one morning. Sirius looked like he'd seen a wild Hippogriff, James smacked him harshly on the back to dislodge the toast he was choking on.

"I'll be waiting for you by the steps at nine. If you're any later I'll leave you there." Regulus called as Delilah dried her hair, arranging the pillows on her bed with diligence. They were still warm from when he jostled her out of bed with a hot cup of tea, of course, he didn't win, instead, she had dragged him under the covers with her and they laid, Delilah sleepily recounting her dream, she dreamt she was a Hippogriff breeder, that she found a way to mate them with Thestral's and in her rambling, Regulus wondered if she ever dreamt of him.

If she ever dreamt about them merging into one, because he dreamt of her in every imaginable way. He dreamt of her kissing him, her fingers splaying over him, dreamt of them rousing by the lake, the sun illuminating Delilah as her hair fanned out in a halo around her. But most of all, he dreamt of her with blood smeared across her face, her hands trembling as she looked at him, and just when he called out to her.

Just when he tried to make sure she was okay, to understand what was happening, he would wake. Drenched in sweat, he'd push his hair from his forehead and check his side, Delilah studying quietly as she looked at him with a wary smile. Because she heard him call out in his sleep, saw him fret and toss, it was her magic which drew him from sleep, and it was her magic which calmed him when he woke, muttering under her breath to send him into a dreamless sleep.

"Yes sir. Now bugger off. I'm going to Lily's to get ready." Regulus had a look of disappointment about him, he wasn't exactly her number one fan after she inspired one of their most recent arguments. "Stop being a brat and go get me a corsage." Pushing Regulus out of her room they both went their separate ways. The castle had been decorated with a variety of baubles, tinsel and fairy lights, it looked like a child had wandered around, sprinkling a tube of glitter everywhere, but as it reflected in her eyes, Regulus found his nausea and the whole event settled.

You were faced with a Christmas tree around every corner and the students couldn't stop smiling at one another. The elves baking infiltrated the castle, lining it thick with cinnamon that Delilah felt pity for the ghosts as they too were tormented by the sugary treats. "Lil?" Delilah was let into the Gryffindor common room by a couple of ogling seventh years. Fighting them off, she knocked on her sister's door, waiting as long as her lack of patience would allow she entered the room and bloody wished she hadn't. "LILY!" Lily Evans was straddling a very pleased James Potter, his hands resting on her hips as hers, well they were hidden somewhere else.

Delilah quickly slammed the door shut, laughing her head off. Lily had always prided herself on self-restraint and now that had practically been tossed out the window.

"They've been at it all afternoon." Sirius appeared from the opposite dorm room, watching Delilah's face with amusement.

"And she had the audacity to talk to me about staying safe. I'll bet my wand she'll be pregnant by the time she's twenty-one." Delilah stepped past Sirius and into the dorm, perching herself next to Remus who was already dressed. "Don't you look dapper?"

"Best hope your sister doesn't catch you in here, she'll think the worst of us." Remus adjusted his tie, grabbing Sirius's attention, watching Lupin's nimble fingers.

"As if she doesn't already." Delilah teased, laying back on the bed.

"So, you're going with my brother?"

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