Strangers in waiting rooms

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"Delilah?" The red head looked up from the desk they'd given her into the brown eyes of Samuel, he worked a few desks down from her, he made sure all the copies of the Daily Prophet got sent out and corrected any spelling mistakes. Not that Delilah ever made any.

"One and only." She beamed.

"A few of us were going out for drinks later, I- we wondered if you'd care to join us?" Delilah looked behind the nervous boy to a group of people a similar age to him. "It's not a trap or anything. We just like your writing, it'd be nice to know you a little more." There was something sweet about the way he smiled.

"I'm underage Sam." She admitted, smiling at his blush.

"You don't have to drink, or um. Well, laws were made to be broken." His blush subsided and instead it was a boyish grin.

"Now you're talking my language." Packing up her satchel, she sent off her letter to Regulus before joining the group of youngsters, they all smiled and gave bright grins as they Apparated to the Leaky Cauldron. Delilah had only been a couple of times with the Marauders when they used to smuggle her in under James's cloak.

Sam pulled out her seat for her as he ordered a round. Delilah stuck with Butter beer, keeping a sober head around new friends was probably the best idea. They spoke a while about work and then they turned into proper kids, playing a game of truth or dare.

"Dare." Delilah stated proudly.

"I dare you, to kiss the most attractive person at this table." One of the girls urged, instantly Delilah looked for Regulus, she scolded herself for being so stupid. But maybe it wasn't stupidity, what was really stupid was sending letters to someone who didn't reply. Or someone who didn't even let her visit.

"I uh, I can't really do that." Delilah sipped her drink, get it together.

"Why's that?" Sam pried, scooting closer.

I have a boyfriend on a psychiatric ward who won't let me see him but he'd defiantly kick your front teeth in if he saw the way you were looking at me.

"Because you're all ugly bastards." She joked, watching as they all absorbed her lie, laughing joyously. Sam smiled too, grinning because he thought he caught Delilah wink at him. It was only early evening when they all finished up their drinks. With a full day of work tomorrow it was nice to be around sensible people, they all offered to Apparate her home, Sam evidently arguing his case a little more than the others.

"It's not safe this time of night." Sam persisted, Delilah raised her eyebrow as she looked around. It was 7pm and the sun was only just setting, people were laughing along the streets. A pair of muggle girls had their heels in one hand as they walked bare foot down the pavement, their red toes sparkling in the sun.

"Real dangerous." Delilah slung her bag over her shoulder when she saw Healer's walking past. No doubt going to their night shift. "Sam how far are we from Mungo's?" She questioned, her eyes lingering on the Healers.

"Half hour walk?" Sam whittled on with directions whilst Delilah was edging away from him. "Will we do this again some time?" His tone was far too hopeful for Delilah's liking.

"I hope so. Lovely to make some new friends. Night Sam!" Hugging him awkwardly at the side, she skipped off down the pavement, leaving Sam shoving his hands in his pockets watching her go.

With her eagerness Delilah got to Mungo's a lot quicker than Sam had said. It was disguised as a disused shop front, stepping through the glass, the reception of Mungo's appeared and Healers were rushing around all over the place.

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