The line

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It took weeks for Delilah's love bites to fade, and with the Winter Ball only a few days away, they still remained like the stubborn ink stains in her shirts that even the house-elves had trouble removing. Regulus had to stop himself grinning every time he looked at her, as every time he did Delilah would hit him with a variety of textbooks, even branching out to throwing her wand at him.

"It's not funny." Delilah swotted Regulus's hand away as his finger lingers over the most prominent one under her jaw, the one that makeup couldn't completely conceal. Delilah's head hanging between her arms as Regulus traces his finger over the mark. Pulling away slightly as she whined.

"I'm laughing," Regulus remarked, and he truly was because Delilah had no idea that it was his markings upon her. When she woke late the next day, Regulus was laying next to her scribbling away on parchment, and when Delilah stated she couldn't remember a single thing, he thought that perhaps it was for the best.

So here he sat, fermenting in the knowledge that it was his lips against her. His stomach turning with the thought, how smooth her skin felt against his lips. Snapping himself from the daydream he visited daily, "You look a right state." 

Pushing her hair behind her ear, Regulus couldn't stop thinking about the feeling of being against her, and with her legs indolently hung over his as they studied, she wasn't making it easy for him to think of anything else.

"Surprised you Ravenclaws actually know how to have fun." Leo yawned, stretching over to peer at Evelyn's dolefully wrong star chart.

"Tell me, Leo, have you ever seen a Ravenclaw after O.W.L's? We would put you to shame, not sleeping for two days straight does something to a person. I'd say we were even more ambitious than you." Delilah boasted, through her fervent statement, her leg had slipped further along Regulus's thigh, causing him to clear his throat. Straightening and loosening his tie to try and breathe in a way other than frantically, grip on his quill significantly tightening. 

"I just assumed your only personality trait was books." Delilah leaned over the table, smacking him over the head with parchment. Alec snorted slightly as Evan's head slipped onto the table, drooling in his sleep.

"As much as yours is being an ignoramus. How in the Rowena Ravenclaw is 'books' a personality trait?" Regulus leant in a little closer to whisper in Delilah's ear as Leo rambled on. Alec shook his head ferociously warning Leo to simply shut the fuck up.

"Have you really not slept for two days straight?" There was more caution in his words than he would have liked, absent-mindedly, his hand slipped over hers, tracing over the scar stretching across her thumb. 

"Not now dear, your friend is trying to prove he's not an imbecile." But Delilah's fingers still curled around his. 

"Don't go breaking his heart too severely, you know how sensitive he is." Regulus jeered, ready for Delilah to bombard him with the facts she stored in that brain of hers, but instead, she began humming? "I'll admit this isn't what I expected-"

"Oh, I know that one!" Evelyn chimed in "Don't go breaking my heart" her voice uncertain of the words, Regulus and Leo looked towards each other, hoping the other had some answer for what was going on. "I couldn't if I tried."

"Oh, honey if I get restless" Delilah sang into her quill before batting her eyelashes up at Regulus

Baby, you're not that kind.

Don't go breaking my heart
You take the weight off of me
Oh, honey when you knock on my door
Ooh, I gave you my key

Oh god, she was serenading him with Muggle music, Regulus was sure he'd heard his brother singing this before with the Lupin boy and he hated to admit that he knew some of the words.

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