The Chain

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"And what is your defence?" She tilts her head up to the judge, who is clearly disturbed by the look in her eye.

"My defence?" Her head cocks to the side in amusement.

"Yes. Why did you kill your fellow Death Eater? Are you a double agent?" His voice is bitter with hope that makes her cackle, her chains rattle against the iron bars and she's prodded with a wand, sending a sharp shock through her brittle body.

"I didn't kill him. I freed him. He made me a monster, and like any monster, I loved my creator."

"We have it on good authority you were infiltrating Voldemort's ranks."

"The only authority that matters is mine. You still don't understand it do you?"

"You're telling the court that you killed Regulus Black because you loved him?"

"Regulus may have been my creator but I was his master."


Hi! Hello, welcome. I'd just like to slap a fat trigger warning right here because I will be including quite a few mature themes such as ⚠️substance abuse, self-harm, eating disorders, explicit imagery and unhealthy relationships⚠️. Due to these reasons, I have written this so that the main characters are 17, this will mean they are only a year younger than the Marauder's (18) and things won't exactly be happening in canon.

I'm sorry if this upsets you and understand if you don't wish to read on. But if you do stay, you have been warned. This will be fast paced as the characters will have years of friendship so again I'm sorry if that isn't your cup of tea. Please, no hate :) and last of all I hope you enjoy x

The Chain|Regulus BlackWhere stories live. Discover now