Always Forever

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As Sixth years, they were almost inseparable.


Delilah being the little sister of Lily Evans threw a few spanners into their works, it frequently meant that Regulus would have to face his brother and deal with the issue of Delilah being a filthy Mudblood as he so kindly put it when they had one of their heated rows.

They argued a lot, but never did they love so deep as when they were in a screaming match, not that they would ever say this. For some reason, it told Regulus he was worth more than he thought. It also told Delilah that she had to fight him to make him realise that he meant a great deal to her.

But the moments they both lived for was when they could be together without the scrutinising eyes of their peers. Such as when they huddled down in the library late at night, Regulus coaxing her from her dorm just to read to her in the candlelight. A mudblood Ravenclaw and a pureblood Slytherin was ludicrous, but at least she wasn't a Gryffindor Regulus would consistently remind himself.  His mind frequented this far too much, would he still be as fond of her if she bore red and gold? 

"What about a quill that corrects all your spellings?" Delilah was once again fashioning an absurd invention Regulus didn't have the energy to entertain.

"The teachers would never let you have it."

"But that's the beauty, it will correct it as you're writing." She peered up at him from the gap between the book he was reading and his chest. It was only last night she was fashioning a reading light which extinguished itself when someone tried to read over your shoulder. Her mind moved far too quickly for Regulus it was surprising he was still in her life.

"Mmmhmm." Delilah elbowed him in the stomach and recaptured his attention, not that she needed to, he was hanging on her every word.

"You really bring out my murderous streak Black."

"Normal people don't exactly have murderous streaks, Evans."

"Good job we're far from normal. You know, if I were to kill someone I'd do it with an icicle. The weapon would just melt."

"I think you're forgetting the most obvious weapon." He lowers his book, "your wand."

"Well I was just thinking if I were a Muggle-" Regulus abruptly stands, shoving her from his lap. Delilah huffed and brushed her hair from her face before stretching on the cool marble.

"I'm not sitting here for you to wish you were a Muggle when you have the superiority of magic. You make it sound like being a witch is such a bothersome thing." Regulus objected, scolding her before offering his hand, helping her to her feet, brushing the dirt from her shorts.

"Aren't you even curious?" Delilah wandered down the aisle, running her finger along the books.

"No. I never want to be mundane or anything less than magical. I think I'd kill myself if I was." Stating these words Delilah knows that everyone of them was true.

"Always the flair for dramatics. And trust me, I don't think you could ever be ordinary, anyway, the Muggles would never have a twat like you. Far too pretentious to get along with." She teased, placing their books back in the slots. It scared Regulus how tolerant he was of her teasing and her Muggle fascination. Over the holidays, things got tenser at home, with Sirius leaving, all their hopes laid on him to carry on the Black name with vigour.

It was an honour he accepted enthusiastically, not that he was entirely sure what it would yet entail. It was embedded in him that he had a grand future ahead of him, and hopefully, if she learnt to keep her mouth shut on certain matters, Delilah would be by his side. He could taste potential on the tip of his tongue, but if he knew the price, he would have scrubbed his mouth out with soap.

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