| 𝐴𝑑𝑚𝑖𝑟𝑒 ➭ Rᴀɪɴ ɢʜᴏᴜʟ x ʀᴇᴀᴅᴇʀ |

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You guys are just friends (he doesn't want it to be though.)

I cradle the baby kitten in my arms gracefully.
She's so pretty! I named her Marley after her marble colored fur. I took her in yesterday and found her in an alley with no collar. She was dirty but I could see her beauty.

She's a white and brown cat with crystal blue eyes, black compliments the rest of her face around her eyes and a hint on her nose. She's so fluffy and sweet! I hear a knock on my door so I look up.

"Come in."

Rain enters the room slowly, when he averts his eyes to the kitten snuggled warmly in my arms he smiles and I can see his eyes light up.

"Who is that?" He closes my door and sits beside me on the foot of my bed.

"This is Marley." I boop her nose playfully.
"I found her in an alleyway, she looked so lonely, I had to take her." I turn my head his way, still petting Marleys stomach.

"She's so cute! Fluffy too." He peeks over my shoulder into the kittens eyes. I turn around and extend my arms to him.

"She is like a cloud. Here, take her." He happily takes the kitten in his arms, not long after a purr emanates from her.

"She seems to like you better than me." I chuckle lightly as I take my index finger and scratch the top of her head soothingly.

He probably remembered why he came here in as he briefly hands the kitten back, reacting into his pocket and pulling out a cream colored note with a velvet red stamp on the center.

"This is for you, from papa." He sits the note down beside me.

"Thank you love." I'm looking at Marley but I can see from my side view him look away. I scratch her stomach which seems to be her favorite spot. Marley is practically like my baby now so I'll treat her as so.

I compliment her on her beauty and boop her nose many times to which she responds with bringing her paws together trying to catch my finger, I laugh at her silliness.


They look so beautiful and elegant. I love how much they care for everything and everyone so deeply. I catch a glimpse of their saturated eye color as soon as the sun hits their face. It's stunning.

They're so motherly and sweet, it's pathetic how I act when the tiniest interaction occurs or any compliment they give I immediately turn into a hot mess.

They're so perfect, everything about them.
They're hair, they're eyes, they're body, they're nose, they're lip—


I look over to a quiet Rain to see him staring all over me, I knit my eyebrows together.

"Are you okay honey?" I stop playing with the kitten for a second, he looks like he's just been snapped back into reality, he laughs in embarrassment.

"Uh, yes, sorry. I'm going to go. I will see you later, bye Y/n." He quickly leaves and shuts my door quietly. I hear his footsteps cease down the hall before they become distant patters.

What was that about? Oh well, I hope he's okay.

A/N: — I was writing this half asleep, like legit dazed so it might be bad..

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