| 𝐹𝑙𝑖𝑟𝑡𝑎𝑡𝑖𝑜𝑢𝑠 𝐶𝑜𝑛𝑠𝑒𝑞𝑢𝑒𝑛𝑐𝑒𝑠 ➭ Dᴇᴡᴅʀᴏᴘ/Sᴏᴅᴏ ɢʜᴏᴜʟ x ʀᴇᴀᴅᴇʀ |

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Throughout the last couple of months, Sodo has been nonstop flirting with me and he's just been a total horn dog almost all of the time.
I've always disregarded his words and actions as it's just him trying to get in my pants or being his usual self, laughing it off or being angry is my usual reaction as it's mostly just annoying when he says something completely out of pocket.

But this week, I figured out something that I didn't want to enter my mind at all.

Having feelings for the fire ghoul.

I've always denied it and I'll always deny it...right? Wrong. I didn't know why when he said something about me I'd get a little flustered, opposite to my usual reaction filled with anger and disgust.
Whenever he touched me anywhere, I would instantly get tingles all over my body and almost freeze; which I would usually move or act like he isn't even there.

I've noticed I have...feelings for him. But I can't help it! If I could, I would, because I don't want to like him.

I groan at the sheer thought of Dew, why am I fantasizing about him?! That's weird. Y/n, you need to get over this stupid crush you have and move on. Just ignore him and his childish behavior until you get over him. Think of him as a toad! Wait, no, that's actually kind of cute when I think about it...

Ugh, this is hard, I don't know what to do.
It really doesn't help that whenever I walk around the church he'll pop up wherever. He's like a gnat that never leaves you alone!
I try to ignore him the best I can which will lead to him usually leaving me alone. I just need time to get over this is all.

I stuff my face into my pillows, hiding my hot face. Why do i have to get flustered whenever I think about him? That's so embarrassing that his antics actually worked on me...

Apparently Sister Imperator has some important information to share with us all. Making my plans of staying away from him much worse. I guess there's nothing I can do about it though.

I suck it up, giving time for my flushed face to die down before I make my way to her office.

~ After the meeting! ~

I walk out of Sister Imperator's office after the meeting, trying to quickly go back to my room.
I figure my mind could use a break after the hassle it's been through today. So I take a stroll to my favorite place out of the whole church, the garden, instead.

On my way I hear footsteps patter behind me. I look behind me, I look down to see the person I've been trying to ignore this whole day, Sodo.

He looked like he was about to say something, I turn back around ignoring him and keep walking anyhow. He voiced out something but cut himself off when I turned around.

"Hey! Don't ignore me!" He shouts with annoyance in his tone of voice, I got through the doors and make my way to the seat that I usually sit at. I don't hear his footsteps anymore and let out a sigh of relief.

Relief? Why were you nervous in the first place?

I saunter to the stone bench and sit down, gazing at the beautiful flowers that sway along with the breeze. This always clears my mind in tough situations, especially now.

"Y/n." I hear someone say from behind me, I turn around to see its Dew, again.
"Why do you keep ignoring me?!" He questions me aggressively, his aggravated tone shows through his voice clearly.
He stands there, I can tell he's angry and irritated.

"I'm not ignoring you Dew." I assure him as I turn back around. I speak as calmly as I can, not showing a hint of what's going on inside my jumbled head. My thoughts go absolutely wild, his presence behind me giving me immense tingles. The way he says my name has me in a mess and he doesn't even know it.

"Yes you are. You don't even acknowledge me Y/n." He comes and sits beside me, my heart starts to beat faster the closer he gets to me. He keeps saying my name like it doesn't mean anything but my heart skips a few beats every time he meaninglessly says it like a normal day. I sigh and look away to the daisies on my right, pondering on what to say next that would explain myself properly and unfortunately untruthfully.

"Dew, can you please just drop it?" I ask him as I lean away from him, pretty annoyed but still with a red hot face, not wanting to answer the question. I don't know which other way to go about it, I'm just not going to tell him how I feel or that would just end in disaster.

"No, why would I?" He asks me, evidently moving closer to me as if he's taunting me. My whole body gets chills as he leans his arm onto mine. Stop reacting like that Y/n, it's embarrassing!

"Are you nervous?" He asks me slyly and I let out an anxious laugh, he's so close I can feel his heartbeat, so he can probably feel mine.

"No? Why would I be nervous?" He looks me up and down then stares into my eyes intensely. Suspicion clouds the space in his eyes, awaiting for me to do something that proves his notion.

"Darling, you're heart is beating faster than normal..." He flashes a toothy grin, tilting his head in a playful manner. My face starts to heat up immediately, my heart beating faster than it already was and he definitely noticed because his grin became even wider than it was before.

"Oh? Am i making you nervous?" He leans closer onto me, our bodies touching and our lips inches apart. He doesn't know what he does to me, he's turning me into putty with his choice of words. He probably thinks he's harmlessly flirting, but he's turning my mind into a catastrophic mess.

"No." I chuckle, as I look away from him, trying to hide my feelings as well as I can.
He reaches over and smoothly grabs my chin, turning me back to face his face, a smug smirk never failing to show up on his lips.

"Are you sure?" He asks, being so close to me I can practically feel his whole body pressing against mine. I could barely feel my face because of how hot it's gotten after all of my reactions to his stupid antics!

"Y/n?!" Someone shouts from far away, I look over and see Swiss from afar. Dew steadily backs off of me a bit.

Swiss comes over, looking as if he was about to tell me something but stops as he sees Dew...and the position we were in.
"We're you two about to...?" He asks us, not finishing his sentence, looking between us both suspiciously.

"No!" I quickly turn down his idea, still being absolutely flushed from the encounter I just went through. I heard Dewdrop mutter something along the lines of 'unfortunately' which I become embarrassed, I immediately stand in front of Swiss.

"Is there something you need me for?" I ask the ghoul as I look up at him.
"Oh, yeah. There's someone who needs you, if you don't mind following me." He says as he simultaneously walks away slowly, I quickly follow.

So much for ignoring him.

A/N:—If yall want a spicy part 2 let me know😏

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