17 | Confession

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Komaeda and Yumi entered the pet store together. He had decided she deserved a reward for protecting the house while he was gone.

"Hm... how about a few new snacks. Which one do you want?" He held out three packs of dog treats. She tilted her head. "You're right, you should get all of them." He put them into the cart and kept on walking.

"Hm, this collar is nice, isn't it?"

She gave him a dissapointed stare.

"Sorry, sorry." He giggled. "It's not your style at all, is it?" They both walked further into the store. "You need a new brush. You ate your last one." He grabbed one from the shelf.

"Alright, what else? How about toys and blankets?"

She barked excitedly. Komaeda smiled and searched for the right section of the store.

"Alright, I can't spoil you so you're only allowed to pick ten toys and three blankets." He stated strictly.

Yumi quickly did as she was told.

"Oh, this blanket is soft. You have good taste, Yu! Now then, this shampoo will come in handy. And... oh, do you want this bow?" He held it up and she sniffed it. Then, she took it into her mouth. "Alright, seems like you like it!"

They paid and went home. Komaeda ran Yumi a bath and she jumped inside. He rolled up his sleeves and began rubbing the shampoo into her fur.

All of a sudden, the doorbell rang.

"Ah, crap! Yumi, stay here, okay?" He pat her head and went downstairs to open the door. To his surprise, Hinata was the one visiting him.

"Hinata-kun, what a surprise!" He smiled.

"I, uh... Komaeda?"


Hinata's face turned red. "Will you maybe... uh, go on a date with me?"

Komaeda blushed. "A-a date?!"


"Mhm! I'd love to!"

"Really? You know I mean this in a... romantic way, right?"

"I... I do too,"

Hinata smiled. "You like me too?"

"Yes! A lot!"

Hinata laughed, relieved. "I like you a lot too!"

Komaeda's face turned even more pink. "And uhm... when you... when you were on TV and said you liked a boy. Did you mean me too back then?"

"Haha, yeah. And I'm sorry for lying to you,"

He shook his head. "It's okay! I mean... it's not like you did it with I'll intent. And I'm glad you're the crow too!"

"Huh? Why?"

"Because then I'll feel super safe around you! I mean, having a hero as my friend is-"

"A-about that! Uh, you said 'friend'. Are we... only friends now?"

Suddenly, water could be heard splashing from upstairs. "Oh no!" Komaeda shrieked and ran into the bathroom, where Yumi was shaking her head and body which got everything wet.

"No no no!" Komaeda frantically whispered. She still had shampoo in her fur as well. Hinata had followed Komaeda upstairs. He grabbed the shower head and washed the bubbles out as Komaeda began drying the walls.

"I'm so sorry..." Komaeda whispered. "I'm so useless, I can't even take care of my dog. I should just rot in hell... you were trying to ask me something and I ruined it all... I'm the worst-"

"No, shut up. You're cool,"

Komaeda sighed. "I'm sorry. I... I'm still scared. Wh-why am I scared? I... I never get scared after something bad happens,"

"I'm scared too," Hinata admitted. "It's okay to be frightened, we've been through something very bad. My mom told me that,"

"Your mom knows you're a superhero too now, huh?"

"She hasn't really addressed it, so... I'm gonna keep doing it. What about you?"

Komaeda tilted his head. "What about me?"

"Are you gonna be a hero too?"

The pale boy looked down at the floor. "No... I don't want to, I'm very sorry,"

"That's okay, I'm not mad."

They got Yumi out of the tub and dried her. Both boys went into Komaeda's room, where the white-haired boy began brushing her fur.

"So like... are we boyfriends?"

Komaeda blushed. "You want me to be... your boyfriend?"


"Hm... before we decide anything, you should consider it well. I'm not very sane or mentally stable. I'm not strong or nice or good-looking. I can cook and clean, but that's all,"

Hinata glared at him. "That's not even true. You're super clever and emotionally mature,"

"I'm not-"

"And you're-" He turned red. "-... really cute,"

Komaeda smiled. "You really think I'm cute?"


He pulled Hinata into a tight hug. "Yay!"

♡ Superhero | Hinakoma/Komahina | FINISHED ♡Where stories live. Discover now