11 | Escape

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"What the hell?" Kamukura asked.

"Wh-what do I do?! What do I do?!" Komaeda frantically shouted at Usami.

"Shoot at him!"

Komaeda waved his arms around in the are and spheres began flying around. A few of them hit Kamukura and he passed out. Panting, the pale boy ran out of the room.

"Did ya think I wouldn't notice?" Enoshima asked, standing in front of him all of a sudden. Komaeda shot at her too and she fell onto the ground.

"Oh God... oh God oh God!" Komaeda ran around the airship, trying to find a way to escape. He then found a phone on the ground and called the police.

"What's your emergency?" The officer asked.

"M-my name is Komaeda Nagito, I have been mis-"

"Komaeda?!" The officer yelped. "Where are you?"

"I-I don't know... maybe in some kind of airship or a plane... I just know I'm high up!"

"Airship, I see. Do you know who abducted you?"

"Kamukura Izuru and Enoshima... I don't know her first name, but she's a girl with blonde hair a-and... I don't know how long I have time until they wake up,"

"Wake up?"

"I-I knocked them out... I'm sorry! I-I was just so scared and-"

"Don't worry, self defense isn't a crime. We will find and help you, Komaeda-san. Just leave it to us!" The officer promised.

Komaeda let out a relieved sigh. "Thank you!"

Around twenty minutes later, he could hear helicopters and a man yelling through a megaphone. It took a while to find a window, but when he did, he waved through it. He opened the punishment door and let down a rope he found. A few officers climbed inside the airship.

Komaeda had deactivated the powers by now and Usami was gone. He couldn't stop crying. An officer ran up to him.

"Hey there, you'll be safe. Let's get you to the helicopter, yeah? My colleagues will land this thing." He took Komaeda's hand and they climbed out of the airship into helicopter.

After what felt like hours, they landed on the ground and Komaeda collapsed from exhaustion. Then, he heard footsteps and a familiar voice.

"Komaeda!" Hinata shouted, running towards him. The pale boy couldn't help but smile slightly as the brunet pulled him into his arms. "Where the hell have you been?! Are you okay?!"

Komaeda held onto Hinata tightly and cried into his chest as the other boy rubbed his back.

"You're safe now, you'll be alright..." Hinata whispered. "You'll be fine,"

An officer walked up to them. "Hinata-san, do you know Komaeda-san's parents' number so we can call them?"

At that, Komaeda only began sobbing harder.

"N-no, sorry. I don't."

The next few days, Komaeda didn't go to school. He stayed in a hotel since his house didn't feel safe anymore. Somehow, the officers hadn't found Enoshima or Kamukura in the airship, which made Komaeda terrified. They could have just escaped and might be looking for him.

He was eating in the hotel's canteen at the moment and nervously looked around. Once he was done, he went back into his room, but heard footsteps behind him. Nervously, he turned around.

"Hey there, Miyako-chan," A familiar, annoying voice said.

"Just go away, Tsukasa, no one wants you here!"

"I never expected someone like you to actually have good taste in hotels. So? What are you doing here?"

"That is none of your business." He began walking again, but Tsukasa kept following him.

"C'mon, don't be like that. I don't like feisty girls,"

"That's good 'cause I'm not a girl!" He pushed him away.

"What the-?! My father will hear about this!" Tsukasa gritted his teeth. "Taste my fist, asshole!"

"Just leave me alone!" Komaeda he began running down the hallway, into his room. Tsukasa grabbed him and pinned him to a wall.

"Shut the fuck up. You're just another girl I broke up with. You're not special. Don't think you get to make demands." He raised his fist.

♡ Superhero | Hinakoma/Komahina | FINISHED ♡Where stories live. Discover now